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Undercover Israeli police attack Palestinian (Read 73376 times)
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Re: Undercover Israeli police attack Palestinian
Reply #105 - Nov 7th, 2015 at 12:35pm

Richest person of all time, Muslim King Mansa Musa of Mali, gained wealth from the Arab slave trade

This article only mention gold and salt as the source of Muslim King Mansa Musa’s riches. But Mansa Musa’s main source for his income was slavery. Before our history books got rewritten to appease to modern day Arabs, the reality is that the main wealth produced in Africa came from the Arab-African slave trade which was founded by regional African Kings in collaboration with Arab slave traders. When Britain abolished the slave trade worldwide, the ones to object the loudest were the African Kings. They refused to end slavery. After the Middle East, Africa and India are even today the largest slave nations in the world. Arab wealth was accumulated from the combination of robberies, invasion, slavery and international trade.

That slave trade grew to massive proportions under self-proclaimed prophet Mohammed’s Islamic laws. Everyone became victims of slavery, including 6 million Europeans. After Arabs conquered North Africa and forced the people to convert to Islam through violence and barbarity, the people were indoctrinated to believe that slavery was ‘permissible by God’. North Africa was Christian before being forced into Islam. Slave labor produced the food surpluses that underlay the power of Mali’s rulers and lineage chiefs. Slaves played an important role in Mali as royal administrators and soldiers during Mali’s history. Mali still has an active local slave industry in 2012.
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Re: Undercover Israeli police attack Palestinian
Reply #106 - Nov 7th, 2015 at 12:49pm
The Gentle Art of Changing Jewish Names

The Madansky brothers—Max, Solomon, Benjamin, and Jacob—have written that their names henceforth will be May. It is a good old Anglo-Saxon name, but the Madanskys are of Asiatic origin.

Elmo Lincoln, a movie actor, comes into a Los Angeles court on the motion of his wife, and it is discovered that he is only Otto Linknhelt.

A large department store owner was born with the name Levy. He is now known as Lytton. It is quite possible he did not like Levy as a name; but why did he not change it for another Jewish name? Or perhaps it was the Jewishness of “Levy” that displeased him.

A popular tenor star recently brought suit against his wife, who married him after allowing him to believe that she was of Spanish origin. “I understood from her misleading stage name that she was Spanish when I married her. Later I found that she was Jewish and that her real name was Bergenstein.”

One of the biggest and best known stores in the United States goes under an honored Christian name, though every one of the owners is Jewish. The public still carries a mental picture of the good old merchant who established the store, which picture would speedily change if the public could get a glimpse of the real owners.

Take the name Belmont, for example, and trace its history. Prior to the nineteenth century the Jews resident in Germany did not use family names. It was “Joseph the son of Jacob,” “Isaac ben Abraham,” the son being designated as the son of his father. But the Napoleonic era, especially following upon the assembly of the Great Sanhedrin under Napoleon’s command, caused a distinct change in Jewish customs in Europe.

In 1808 Napoleon sent out a decree commanding all Jews to adopt family names. In Austria a list of surnames was assigned to the Jews, and if a Jew was unable to choose, the state chose for him. The names were devised from precious stones, as Rubenstein; precious metals, such as Goldstein, Silberberg; plants, trees, and animals, such as Mandelbaum, Lilienthal, Ochs, Wolf, and Loewe.

The German Jews created surnames by the simple method of affixing the syllable “son” to the father’s name, thus making Jacobson, Isaacson; while others adopted the names of the localities in which they lived, the Jew resident in Berlin becoming Berliner, and the Jew resident in Oppenheim becoming Oppenheimer.

Now, in the region of Schoenberg, in the German Rhine country, a settlement of Jews had lived for several generations. When the order to adopt surnames went forth, Isaac Simon, the head of the settlement, chose the name of Schoenberg. It signifies in German, “beautiful hill.” It is very easily Frenchified into Belmont, which also means beautiful hill or mountain. A Columbia University professor once tried to make it appear that the Belmonts originated in the Belmontes family of Portugal, but found it impossible to harmonize this theory with the Schoenberg facts.

It is noteworthy that a Belmont became American agent of the Rothschilds, and that the name of Rothschild is derived from the red shield on a house in the Jewish quarter of Frankfort-on-the-Main. What the original family name is has never been divulged.

The Jewish habit of changing names is responsible for the immense camouflage that has concealed the true character of Russian events. When Leon Bronstein becomes Leo Trotsky, and when the Jewish Apfelbaum becomes the “Russian” Zinoviev; and when the Jewish Cohen becomes the “Russian” Volodarsky, and so on down through the list of the controllers of Russia—Goldman becoming Izgoev, and Feldman becoming Vladimirov—it is a little difficult for people who think that names do not lie, to see just what is transpiring.

Indeed, there is any amount of evidence that in numberless cases this change of names—or adoption of “cover names,” as the Jewish description is—is for purposes of concealment. There is an immense difference in the state of mind in which a customer enters the store of Isadore Levy and the state of mind in which he enters the store of Alex May. And what would be his feeling to learn that Isadore Levy painted up the name of Alex May with that state of mind in view? When Rosenbluth and Schlesinger becomes “The American Mercantile Company,” there is justification for the feeling that the name “American” is being used to conceal the Jewish character of the firm.

The tendency of Jews to change their names dates back very far. There was and is a superstition that to give a sick person another name is to “change his luck,” and save him from the misfortune destined upon his old name. There was also the Biblical example of a change of nature being followed by a change of name, as when Abram became Abraham and Jacob became Israel.

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Re: Undercover Israeli police attack Palestinian
Reply #107 - Nov 7th, 2015 at 12:50pm
There have been justifiable grounds, however, for Jews changing their names in Europe. The nationalism of that continent is, of course, intense, and the Jews are an international nation, scattered among all the nations, with an unenviable reputation of being ready to exploit for Jewish purposes the nationalistic intensity of the Gentiles. To mollify a suspicion held against them wherever they have lived (a suspicion so general and so persistent as to be explainable only on the assumption that it was abundantly justified) the Jews have been quick to adopt the names and colors of whatever country they may be living in. It is no trouble at all to change a flag, since none of the flags is the insignia of Judah. This was seen throughout the war zone; the Jews hoisted whatever flag was expedient at the moment, and changed it as often as the shifting tide of battle required.

A Polish Jew named Zuckermandle, emigrating to Hungary, would be anxious to show that he had shuffled off the Polish allegiance which his name proclaimed; and the only way he could do this would be to change his name, which would very likely become Zukor, a perfectly good Hungarian name. Originally the Zukors were not Jews; now the usual guess would be that they are. In the United States it would be almost a certainty. Such a change as Mr. Zuckermandle would make, however, would not be for the purpose of concealing the fact that he was a Jew, but only to conceal the fact that he was a foreign Jew.

In the United States it has been found that Jews change their names for three reasons: first, for the same reason that many other foreigners change their names, namely, to minimize as much as possible the “foreign look” and the difficulty of pronunciation which many of those names carry with them; second, for business reasons, to prevent the knowledge becoming current that So-and-So is “a Jew store”; third, for social reasons.

The desire not to appear singular among one’s neighbors, when stated in just these words, very easily passes muster as being a natural desire, until you apply it to yourself. If you were going abroad to Italy, Germany, Russia, there to live and engage in business, would you cast about for a changed name immediately? Of course not. Your name is part of you, and you have your own opinion of an alias. The Jew, however, has his own name among his own people, regardless of what “cover name” the world may know him by, and, therefore, he changes his outside name quite coolly. The only likeness we have to that in America is the changing of men’s pay numbers as they move their employment from place to place. John Smith may be No. 49 in Black’s shop and No. 375 in White’s shop, but he is always John Smith. So the Jew may be Simon son of Benjamin in the privacy of the Jewish circle, while to the world he may be Mortimer Alexander.

In the United States it is hardly to be doubted that business and social reasons are mostly responsible for the changes in Jewish names. The designation “American” is itself much coveted, as may be gathered by its frequent use in firm names, the members of which are not American in any sense that entitles them to blazon that name throughout the world.

When Moses is changed to Mortimer, and Nathan to Norton, and Isadore to Irving (as for example Irving Berlin, whose relatives, however, still know him as “Izzy”), the concealment of Jewishness in a country where so much is done by print, must be regarded as a probable motive.

When “Mr. Lee Jackson” is proposed for the club there would seem to be no reason, as far as reading goes, why anything unusual about Mr. Jackson should be surmised, until you know that Mr. Jackson is really Mr. Jacobs. Jackson happens to be the name of a President of the United States, which names are quite in favor with the name-changers, but in this case it happens also to be one of the “derivatives” of an old Jewish name.

The Jewish Encyclopedia contains interesting information on this matter of derivatives.

Asher is shaded off into Archer, Ansell, Asherson.

Baruch is touched up into Benedict, Beniton, Berthold.

Benjamin becomes Lopez, Seef, Wolf (this is translation).

David becomes Davis, Davison, Davies, Davidson.

Isaac becomes Sachs, Saxe, Sace, Seckel.

Jacob becomes Jackson, Jacobi, Jacobus, Jacof, Kaplan, Kauffmann, Marchant, Merchant.

Jonah becomes by quite simple changes, Jones and Joseph, Jonas.

Judah (the true Jewish name) becomes Jewell, Leo, Leon, Lionel, Lyon, Leoni, Judith.

Levi becomes Leopold, Levine, Lewis, Loewe, Low, Lowy.

Moses becomes Moritz, Moss, Mortimer, Max, Mack, Moskin, Mosse.

Solomon becomes Salmon, Salome, Sloman, Salmuth.

And so on through the list of Jewish “changelings”—Barnett, Barnard, Beer, Hirschel, Mann, Mendel, Mandell, Mendelsohn, with various others which are not even adaptations but sheer appropriations.

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Re: Undercover Israeli police attack Palestinian
Reply #108 - Nov 7th, 2015 at 12:52pm
The millinery business, which is one of the principal Jewish grafts off American women, shows, the liking of the Jews for names which do not name, but which stand as impressive insignia—“Lucile,” “Mme. Grande,” and the like. Reuben Abraham Cohen is a perfectly good name, and a good citizen could make it immensely respected in his neighborhood, but Reuben thinks that the first round in the battle of minds should be his, and he does not scruple at a little deceit to obtain it, so he painted on a window of his store, R. A. Le Cán, which, when set off with a borrowed coat of arms, looks sufficiently Frenchified for even observant boobs among the Gentiles. Similarly a Mr. Barondesky may blossom out as Barondes or La Baron.

Commonly, Mr. Abraham becomes Miller. Why Miller should have been picked on for Judaization is not clear, but the Millers of the white race may yet be compelled to adopt some method of indicating that their name is not Jewish. It is conceivable that a Yiddish and an American form of the same name may some time be deemed necessary. Aarons becomes Arnold—there are a number of Jewish Arnolds. Aarons became Allingham. One Cohen became Druce, another Cohen became Freeman. Still another Cohen became a Montagu; a fourth Cohen became a Rothbury and a fifth Cohen became a Cooke.

The Cohens have an excuse, however. In one ghetto there are so many Cohens that some distinction must be observed. There is Cohen the rag gatherer, and Cohen the schacet (ritual meat killer), and Cohen the rising lawyer, as well as Cohen the physician. To make the matter more difficult their first names (otherwise their “Christian” names) are Louis. It is not to be wondered at, therefore, that the young lawyer should become Attorney Cohane (which does all the better if thereby certain Irish clients are attracted), and that the young doctor should become Doctor Kahn, or Kohn. These are some of the many forms that the priestly name of Cohen takes.

The same may be said with reference to Kaplan, a very common name. Charlie Chaplin’s name was, in all probability, Caplan, or Kaplan. At any rate, this is what the Jews believe about their great “star.” Non-Jews have read of Charlie as a “poor English boy.”

There is the Rev. Stephen S. Wise, for another example. He booms his way across the country from one platform to the other, a wonder in his way, that such pomposity of sound should convey such paucity of sense. He is an actor, the less effective because he essays a part in which sincerity is requisite. This Rabbi, whose vocal exercise exhausts his other powers, was born in Hungary, his family name being Weisz. Sometimes this name is Germanized to Weiss. When S. S. Weisz became S. S. Wise, we do not know. If he had merely Americanized his Hungarian name it would have given him the name of White. Apparently “Wise” looked better. Truly it is better to be white than to be wise, but Dr. Stephen S. is a fresh point in the query of “what’s in a name?”

The list of Jews in public life whose names are not Jewish would be a long one. Louis Marshall, head of the American Jewish Committee, for example—what could his old family name have been before it was changed for the name of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States?

Mr. Selwyn’s name, now so widely known in motion pictures, was originally Schlesinger. Some of the Schlesingers become Sinclairs, but Selwyn made a really good choice for a man in the show business. A rabbi whose real name was Posnansky became Posner. The name Kalen is usually an abbreviation of Kalensky. A true story is told of an East Side tinsmith whose name was very decidedly foreign-Jewish. It is withheld here, because THE DEARBORN INDEPENDENT prefers in this connection to mention only the names of those who can take care of themselves. But the tinsmith moved to a non-Jewish section and opened a new shop under the name of Perkins, and his luck really did change! He is doing well and, being an industrious, honest workman, deserves his prosperity.

Of course, there are lower uses of the name-changing practice, as every employer of labor knows. A man contracts a debt under one name, and to avoid a garnishee, quits his job, collects his pay, and in a day or two attempts to hire out under another name. This was once quite a successful trick, and is not wholly unknown now.

There is also much complaint among the stricter observers of the Jewish ritual requirements that the word “Kosher” is greatly misused, that indeed it covers a multitude of sins. “Kosher” has come to signify, in some places, little more than a commercial advertisement designed to attract Jewish trade. For all it means of what it says, it might just as well be “The Best Place in Town to Eat”—which it isn’t, of course; and neither is it always “strictly” Kosher.

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Re: Undercover Israeli police attack Palestinian
Reply #109 - Nov 7th, 2015 at 12:54pm
jmjcare wrote on Nov 7th, 2015 at 12:49pm:
The Gentle Art of Changing Jewish Names

The Madansky brothers—Max, Solomon, Benjamin, and Jacob—have written that their names henceforth will be May. It is a good old Anglo-Saxon name, but the Madanskys are of Asiatic origin.

Elmo Lincoln, a movie actor, comes into a Los Angeles court on the motion of his wife, and it is discovered that he is only Otto Linknhelt.

A large department store owner was born with the name Levy. He is now known as Lytton. It is quite possible he did not like Levy as a name; but why did he not change it for another Jewish name? Or perhaps it was the Jewishness of “Levy” that displeased him.

A popular tenor star recently brought suit against his wife, who married him after allowing him to believe that she was of Spanish origin. “I understood from her misleading stage name that she was Spanish when I married her. Later I found that she was Jewish and that her real name was Bergenstein.”

One of the biggest and best known stores in the United States goes under an honored Christian name, though every one of the owners is Jewish. The public still carries a mental picture of the good old merchant who established the store, which picture would speedily change if the public could get a glimpse of the real owners.

Take the name Belmont, for example, and trace its history. Prior to the nineteenth century the Jews resident in Germany did not use family names. It was “Joseph the son of Jacob,” “Isaac ben Abraham,” the son being designated as the son of his father. But the Napoleonic era, especially following upon the assembly of the Great Sanhedrin under Napoleon’s command, caused a distinct change in Jewish customs in Europe.

In 1808 Napoleon sent out a decree commanding all Jews to adopt family names. In Austria a list of surnames was assigned to the Jews, and if a Jew was unable to choose, the state chose for him. The names were devised from precious stones, as Rubenstein; precious metals, such as Goldstein, Silberberg; plants, trees, and animals, such as Mandelbaum, Lilienthal, Ochs, Wolf, and Loewe.

The German Jews created surnames by the simple method of affixing the syllable “son” to the father’s name, thus making Jacobson, Isaacson; while others adopted the names of the localities in which they lived, the Jew resident in Berlin becoming Berliner, and the Jew resident in Oppenheim becoming Oppenheimer.

Now, in the region of Schoenberg, in the German Rhine country, a settlement of Jews had lived for several generations. When the order to adopt surnames went forth, Isaac Simon, the head of the settlement, chose the name of Schoenberg. It signifies in German, “beautiful hill.” It is very easily Frenchified into Belmont, which also means beautiful hill or mountain. A Columbia University professor once tried to make it appear that the Belmonts originated in the Belmontes family of Portugal, but found it impossible to harmonize this theory with the Schoenberg facts.

It is noteworthy that a Belmont became American agent of the Rothschilds, and that the name of Rothschild is derived from the red shield on a house in the Jewish quarter of Frankfort-on-the-Main. What the original family name is has never been divulged.

The Jewish habit of changing names is responsible for the immense camouflage that has concealed the true character of Russian events. When Leon Bronstein becomes Leo Trotsky, and when the Jewish Apfelbaum becomes the “Russian” Zinoviev; and when the Jewish Cohen becomes the “Russian” Volodarsky, and so on down through the list of the controllers of Russia—Goldman becoming Izgoev, and Feldman becoming Vladimirov—it is a little difficult for people who think that names do not lie, to see just what is transpiring.

Indeed, there is any amount of evidence that in numberless cases this change of names—or adoption of “cover names,” as the Jewish description is—is for purposes of concealment. There is an immense difference in the state of mind in which a customer enters the store of Isadore Levy and the state of mind in which he enters the store of Alex May. And what would be his feeling to learn that Isadore Levy painted up the name of Alex May with that state of mind in view? When Rosenbluth and Schlesinger becomes “The American Mercantile Company,” there is justification for the feeling that the name “American” is being used to conceal the Jewish character of the firm.

The tendency of Jews to change their names dates back very far. There was and is a superstition that to give a sick person another name is to “change his luck,” and save him from the misfortune destined upon his old name. There was also the Biblical example of a change of nature being followed by a change of name, as when Abram became Abraham and Jacob became Israel.

Well that's a inventive way to combat racial profiling by customers. I can see racists would be very upset to know that they have been fooled. Of course most intelligent people wouldent care that a person has changed their name to fool those that are racist.
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Re: Undercover Israeli police attack Palestinian
Reply #110 - Nov 7th, 2015 at 12:54pm
It must be conceded, however, that the tendency to mislabel men and things is deep set in Jewish character. Jews are great coiners of catchwords that are not true, inventors of slogans that do not move. There is a considerable decrease in the power they wielded by such methods; their brilliancy in this respect is running to seed. This may be explained by the fact that there are so many song titles to write for the Jewish jazz factories, and so much “snappy” matter for screen descriptions. Their come-back is painfully thin and forced. Without peers in dealing with a superficial situation like a dispute over the beauty of two rival “stars,” or the amount and method of distributing confetti, they are the veriest dubs in dealing with a situation like that which has arisen in this country.

Immediately upon the appearance of the Jewish Question in the United States the Jews reverted naturally to their habit of mislabeling. They were going to fool the people once more with a pat phrase. They are still seeking for that phrase. Slowly they are recognizing that they are up against the Truth, and truth is neither a jazzy jade nor a movie motto, which can be recostumed and changed at will.

This passion for misleading people by names is deep and varied in its expression. Chiefly due to Jewish influences, we are giving the name of “liberalism” to looseness. We are dignifying with names that do not correctly name, many subversive movements. We are living in an era of false labels, whose danger is recognized by all who observe the various underground currents which move through all sections of society. Socialism itself is no longer what its name signifies; the name has been seized and used to label anarchy. Judaistic influence creeping into the Christian church has kept the apostolic labels, but thoroughly destroyed the apostolic content; the disruptive work has gone on quietly and unhindered, because often as the people looked, the same label was there—as the same old merchant’s name stays on the store the Jews have bought and cheapened. Thus there are “reverends” who are both unreverend and irreverent, and there are shepherds who flock with the wolves.

Zionism is another misnomer. Modern Zionism is not what its label would indicate it to be. The managers of the new money collection—millions of it, badly used, badly accounted for—are about as much interested in Zionism as an Ohio Baptist is in Meccaism. For the leading so-called “Zionists,” Mt. Zion and all that it stands for has next to no meaning; they see only the political and real estate aspects of Palestine, another people’s country just at present. The present movement is not religious, although it plays upon the religious sentiments of the lower class of Jews; it is certainly not what Judaized orators among the Christians want the Christians to think it is; Zionism is at present a most mischievous thing, potentially a most dangerous thing, as several governments could confidentially tell you.

But it is all a part of the Jewish practice of setting up a label pretending one thing, while quite another thing really exists.

Take anti-Semitism. That is a label which the Jews have industriously pasted up everywhere. If ever it was an effective label its uses are over now. It doesn’t mean anything. Anti-Semitism does not exist, since the thing so named is found among the Semites, too. Semites cannot be anti-Semitic. When the world holds up a warning finger against a race that is the moving spirit of the corruptive, subversive and destructive influences abroad in the world today, that race cannot nullify the warning by sticking up a false label of “Anti-Semitism,” anymore than it can justify the sign of gold on a $1.50 watch or the sign of “pure wool” on a $11.50 suit of clothes.

So with the whole group of labels which the Jews have trotted out like talismen to work some magic spell upon the aroused mind of America. They are lies. And when one lie fails, how quickly they hitch their hopes to another. If “Anti-Semitism” fails, then try “Anti-Catholic”—that might do something. If that fails, try “Anti-American”—get the biggest talent that can be hired for a night on the B’nai B’rith platform to shout it. And when that fails, as it has—?

The American Jewish Committee is itself a misnomer. The committee is not exclusively American, and its work is not to Americanize the Jews nor even to encourage real Americanization among them. It is a committee composed of Jews representing that class which profits most by keeping the mass of the Jews segregated from Americans and in bondage to the “higher ups” among the Jews. They are the “big Jews,” as Norman Hapgood used to call them, who say to the “little Jews,” “You hang closely together; we will be your representatives to these foreign peoples, the Americans and others.” If the American Jewish Committee would change its name to this: “The Jewish Commission for America,” it might be nearer the truth. It has dealt with America in the recent past very much as the Allied Commissions deal with Germany. There are certain things we may do, and certain things we may not do, and the Jewish Commission for America tells us what we may and may not do. One of the things we may not do is to declare that this is a Christian country..........................

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Re: Undercover Israeli police attack Palestinian
Reply #111 - Nov 7th, 2015 at 1:15pm
jmjcare wrote on Nov 7th, 2015 at 11:32am:
The Sumerian Swindle gives the history of banking and money lending beginning when civilization began. The plague of modern bankers who swindle the wealth of entire nations and cause unending warfare, is rooted in a certain secret history never before written.

The Monsters of Babylon
"Much can be learned about any people, if you know who their heroes are. It is their heroes, to whom the people look for inspiration and as examples to teach their children. The heroes of a people typify all of the qualities to which the people, themselves, aspire. So, one may ask, who are the heroes of the Jews? Murderers, thieves, pimps, swindlers, rapists, child molesters, assassins, spies, hypocrites, liars, deceivers, betrayers, criminals and sociopaths of the worst sort – these are the heroes of the Jews. You can read all about it in their main book of instruction known as the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament.

jmcare I know this might be a bit embarrassing but can you explain why Muslims impose a tax on non muslims in muslim countries. Can you explain how this benefits all members of the community.

Just curious to see how you view this, I realise you will dismiss it completely or ignore it but I thought I would give you the opportunity to explain your side.

Jizya or jizyah (Arabic: جزية‎ ǧizyah IPA: [dʒizja]; Ottoman Turkish: cizye) is a religiously required per capita tax levied by a Muslim state on non-Muslim subjects permanently residing in Muslim lands under Islamic law.[1][specify][2][3] Islamic jurists required adult, free, sane males among the dhimma community to pay the jizya while exempting the women, slaves, minors, poor, and the insane,[4][5] as well as musta'mins (non-Muslim foreigners who only temporarily reside in Muslim lands).[6] Jizya is mandated by the Quran and the Hadiths.[7][8]

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Re: Undercover Israeli police attack Palestinian
Reply #112 - Nov 8th, 2015 at 10:28am
jmcare, I'm waiting for you to explain what jizya is and who created it and what the purpose of it was and how it benefitted the whole community.

What happened to the jizya, was it returned to the original owners or was it used for some other purpose.

I take it you wont answer these questions because its too embarrassing.
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Re: Undercover Israeli police attack Palestinian
Reply #113 - Nov 8th, 2015 at 2:28pm
Steampipe wrote on Nov 8th, 2015 at 10:28am:
jmcare, I'm waiting for you to explain what jizya is and who created it and what the purpose of it was and how it benefitted the whole community.

What happened to the jizya, was it returned to the original owners or was it used for some other purpose.

I take it you wont answer these questions because its too embarrassing.

Why would it be embarrassing to me what tax Turkey or any muslim country decide what tax to impose on non muslims?  What does it have to do with the way the Zionist Jews are treating the Palestinians, this is what this thread is about?

I didn’t know I was on a timetable to answer your questions so I won’t apologise, I do have a life outside this forum so if you want to know about Jizya please do your own research but try both side of the coin though or you will forever stay blind.

I will quote this though:

In Matthew 22:17-21, the Pharisees asked Jesus a question: "Tell us then, what is your opinion? Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not?" But Jesus, knowing their evil intent, said, "You hypocrites, why are you trying to trap me? Show me the coin used for paying the tax." They brought Him a denarius, and He asked them, "Whose portrait is this? And whose inscription?" "Caesar's," they replied. Then He said to them, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." In full agreement, the Apostle Paul taught, "This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor" (Romans 13:6-7).

Israel Releases Withheld Tax Revenues to Palestinian Authority
Netanyahu decides to transfer funds that have been frozen since the Palestinians referred Israel to the International Criminal Court.
Barak Ravid
Mar 27, 2015 8:27 PM 

I guess the Zionist holding tax revenues that belong to Palestinians was ok with you, a bit of blackmail by the zionists  Cheesy but if it was the other way round you’d be screaming blue murder.

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Re: Undercover Israeli police attack Palestinian
Reply #114 - Nov 8th, 2015 at 2:30pm
US Jewish group’s criticism of Israel’s 'misguided policies' is a wakeup call: Writer

Sat Nov 7, 2015

The strong criticism of Israel’s policies toward Palestinians by the leader of the largest Jewish group in North America is a “wakeup call” to the Zionist regime, an American writer and political commentator says.

Marcy Winograd, who is based in Santa Monica, California, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Saturday, after Rabbi Rick Jacobs, president of the Union for Reform Judaism, slammed Israel’s “misguided policies” against the people of Palestine.

Speaking in Orlando, Florida, on Thursday, Rabbi Jacobs said the Jewish community must not remain silent when hate-crime attacks kill innocent Palestinians in the occupied territories.

Jacobs also said that the reform movement “has long opposed Israeli settlement policy in the West Bank.”

“It causes pain and hardship for the Palestinians and alienates Israel from friends and allies around the world,” he added.

Commenting to Press TV, Winograd said that “anytime a prominent Jewish spokesperson, somebody like Rabbi Jacobs, speaks out nationally about the importance of respecting Palestinians, and for Jews not to blindly support Israel’s crimes against the Palestinians, their settlements, I think this is significant, because Jews nationwide, by and large, half of them are unaffiliated, they are not involved, but yet they may feel some loyalty or strong loyalty connection to Israel.”

“So they may not even keep up with the events, but just widely support what’s happening,” she added.

She stated that “it’s a wakeup call to them, and it’s important. Israel is very image sensitive. They don’t like this kind of publicity.”

“I also think it is significant that this conference in which Rabbi Jacobs was speaking was held in Florida. Florida is what we call a swing state in the coming up presidential elections in the United States. Florida, aside from California [Texas, and New York], has the most electorate votes. And Jews could potentially decide the election, could decide whether we are going to have Republicans or Democrats,” the commentator said.

“So I think [in] someway him speaking in Florida speaking about the importance of respecting Palestinians is providing some assurance to the Democratic nominee, whoever that maybe,” concluded Winograd, who is also a teacher.

Tensions have been running especially high since August when the Israeli regime imposed restrictions on the entry of some Palestinians into the al-Aqsa Mosque in East al-Quds (Jerusalem) -- the third holiest site in Islam.

According to the latest figures by the Palestinian Health Ministry, at least 76 Palestinians, including 17 children, have lost their lives at the hands of Israeli forces since the beginning of October.

More than half a million Israelis live in over 120 illegal settlements built since Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and East al-Quds in 1967.
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Re: Undercover Israeli police attack Palestinian
Reply #115 - Nov 8th, 2015 at 2:34pm
jmjcare wrote on Nov 8th, 2015 at 2:28pm:
Steampipe wrote on Nov 8th, 2015 at 10:28am:
jmcare, I'm waiting for you to explain what jizya is and who created it and what the purpose of it was and how it benefitted the whole community.

What happened to the jizya, was it returned to the original owners or was it used for some other purpose.

I take it you wont answer these questions because its too embarrassing.

Why would it be embarrassing to me what tax Turkey or any muslim country decide what tax to impose on non muslims?  What does it have to do with the way the Zionist Jews are treating the Palestinians, this is what this thread is about?

I didn’t know I was on a timetable to answer your questions so I won’t apologise, I do have a life outside this forum so if you want to know about Jizya please do your own research but try both side of the coin though or you will forever stay blind.

I will quote this though:

In Matthew 22:17-21, the Pharisees asked Jesus a question: "Tell us then, what is your opinion? Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not?" But Jesus, knowing their evil intent, said, "You hypocrites, why are you trying to trap me? Show me the coin used for paying the tax." They brought Him a denarius, and He asked them, "Whose portrait is this? And whose inscription?" "Caesar's," they replied. Then He said to them, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's." In full agreement, the Apostle Paul taught, "This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor" (Romans 13:6-7).

Israel Releases Withheld Tax Revenues to Palestinian Authority
Netanyahu decides to transfer funds that have been frozen since the Palestinians referred Israel to the International Criminal Court.
Barak Ravid
Mar 27, 2015 8:27 PM 

I guess the Zionist holding tax revenues that belong to Palestinians was ok with you, a bit of blackmail by the zionists  Cheesy but if it was the other way round you’d be screaming blue murder.

I thought you would dodge the jizya question and not answer it. I wonder why it is so hard for you to answer this simple question.
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Re: Undercover Israeli police attack Palestinian
Reply #116 - Nov 8th, 2015 at 2:35pm
Meet Israel’s Terminator
By Stephen Lendman 11-6-15

Actor, former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger gained US film fame as Hollywood’s “Terminator,” followed by a television series, comic books, novels, and recognition by the Library of Congress as “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant” filmography.

Schwarzenegger’s role was fictional. Israel has the real thing. On November 5, the Jewish Press (JP) headlined “Meet the Terminator: IDF Soldier Killed 3 Terrorists in 2 Weeks,” identifying him as “Cpl. T” - “serving in the Shimshon Battalion of the Kfir Brigade.”

Palestinians are shamelessly called knife-wielding terrorists. Killer soldiers, police and extremist settlers are national heroes. Cold blood murder is considered self-defense.

Cpl. T has blood on his hands at least thrice, justifying murder by claiming he foiled stabbing attempts - the pre-scripted IDF explanation, justifying all killings of Palestinians, including young children and women, eyewitness and video evidence often refuting official Israeli accounts.

According to JP, “Kfir Brigade officers commended the rapid response and cool temper of the warrior, who prevented more serious results.”

“(H)e is a young warrior, who’s only been in uniform a total of eight months, only two of those in operational duty…(It) did not affect his focused and precise actions in both cases. The Shimshon Battalion to which he belongs has been dealing over the past month with many of the attacks in the Etzion area, north of Hebron.”

YNet News praised his “alert and accurate response,” calling it “impressive,” showing Palestinian lives and welfare don’t matter, terrorized under the boot of a ruthless occupier.

Soldiers during training are taught to hate Arabs. Killing them extrajudicially is OK, eliciting praise and promotions, not condemnation and punishment.

Israel’s “shoot to kill” policy leaves all Palestinians vulnerable. They’re gunned down in cold blood, extrajudicially assassinated. On Friday, a Palestinian woman threatening no one was lethally shot 50 times with live fire.

Israeli authorities claimed she tried running over Israeli soldiers with her car. Yet none were reported injured, not even a scratch.

New Arab World for Research and Development Center (Awrad) poll results show Palestinian support for a new intifada rose from 26% in July to 63% currently. Millions are justifiably enraged over ongoing Israeli state-sponsored terrorism, affecting the entire population.

Palestinian deaths, injuries and mass arrests keep rising daily, an entire population being collectively punished, blamed for Israel’s high crimes.

On Thursday, Hebron youth Malek Talal Sharif was lethally shot multiple times with live fire, another phony stabbing attempt claimed - 77 Palestinian deaths so far since October 1, many thousands injured and/or arrested, including around 500 children.

On Thursday, the hardline Israeli news site Arutz Sheva removed a main page posted children’s game titled “Neutralize the Terrorist,” urging them to “assist security forces in neutralizing the terrorists that are attacking us…Help the IDF win.”

Separately, Youths Against Settlements (YAS) activist Mohammed Zoghour remains isolated in detention, arbitrarily arrested last week after demanding Israel return bodies of slain Palestinians.

He’s denied outside contacts, including access to counsel. No information was released on why he’s held, nothing about his certain brutal interrogation.

A YAS statement said it’s “deeply concerned about the illegitimate and arbitrary arrest of Mohammed Zoghour, his transfer to the secret service interrogation center in Israel, the denial of contact to his lawyer, and thereby the denial of a fair and legitimate trial.”

“The arrest of Mohammed Zoghour comes in the midst of a wave of unjustifiable disproportionate repression of Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian territory.”

“Over the past weeks, Israeli forces have arbitrarily arrested thousands of Palestinians for exercising their legitimate right to take part in the popular struggle against the military occupation…Israeli provocations at the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and settler violence.”

YAS called for his immediate release. Israel may want him administratively detained uncharged and untried indefinitely - commonplace police state practice.

A Final Comment

On Thursday, political prisoner Muhammad Allan was released at last, following a year’s detention uncharged and untried. His two month hunger strike for justice nearly killed him.

At a homecoming welcome, he said: “Thank God who favored us with what we asked for. Thank God who brought us out of these dark prisons.”

He’s a marked man despite gaining worldwide attention and support - as vulnerable as before, subject to rearrest any time Israel chooses to target him unjustly again.
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Re: Undercover Israeli police attack Palestinian
Reply #117 - Nov 8th, 2015 at 2:39pm
Israeli Police Prevent Civil Defense’ Access to Rollover Car Accident

JERUSALEM, November 7, 2015 (WAFA) – Israeli police forces Saturday prevented civil defense crews from accessing the scene of a car accident to offer help to the injured Palestinian driver, who was driving along Anata-al-Izariyeh road when his truck flipped over.

A report issued by the civil defense’s department for public relations, stated that their crews rushed to the scene of the accident after receiving a  call that a car carrier trailer has flipped over along the aforementioned road, however, Israeli police present at the scene prevented the crew’s access.

The statement said that the civil defense crews remained near the scene of the accident until Israeli police completed the accident report and the driver was transferred to hospital.

Earlier Saturday, Israeli forces assaulted two Palestinians involved in a self-inflicted car accident along Ramallah-Nablus Road, and did not provide them with humanitarian assistance.
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Re: Undercover Israeli police attack Palestinian
Reply #118 - Nov 8th, 2015 at 2:42pm
Settlers Backed by Army Attack Palestinian Homes in Hebron

HEBRON, November 7, 2015 (WAFA) – Israeli armed settlers, under Israeli army protection, Attacked on Saturday Palestinian homes in Jaber neighborhood to the east of Hebron city, with rocks.

WAFA correspondent said that settlers from the illegal Israeli settlement of Kiryat Arba attacked Palestinian locals’ homes with rocks, and shouted racist slogans and profanities against them, while threatening to kill them.

Settlers recently stepped up their attacks against Palestinians in the West Bank, including Jerusalem, amid growing tension and renewing clashes between Palestinians and the Israeli army and police.

Settlements are illegal under international law as they violate Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which prohibits the transfer of the occupying power’s civilian population into occupied territory.

The center added that, “International humanitarian law prohibits the occupying power to transfer citizens from its own territory to the occupied territory (Fourth Geneva Convention, article 49).”

According to the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem, Israeli security forces do not always deploy in advance to protect Palestinians from settler violence, even when such violence could be anticipated. “In some cases, rather than restricting violent settlers, Israeli security forces impose restrictions on the Palestinians.”

“As the occupying power in the West Bank, Israel is obligated to maintain public order and ensure the safety of the Palestinians in the West Bank, who are classified a protected population in international law,” says B’Tselem.
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Re: Undercover Israeli police attack Palestinian
Reply #119 - Nov 8th, 2015 at 2:45pm
What Would Hamas Do If It Could Do Whatever It Wanted?

“Right now,” Wolpe said, “Israel is much more powerful than Hezbollah and Hamas. Let’s say tomorrow this was reversed. Let’s say Hamas had the firepower of Israel and Israel had the firepower of Hamas. What do you think would happen to Israel were the balance of power reversed?”

“I don’t know what would happen tomorrow,” Cohen answered. This response brought a measure of derisive laughter from the incredulous audience. “And it doesn’t matter that I don’t know because it’s not going to happen tomorrow or in one or two years.” Wolpe quickly told Cohen that he himself knows exactly what would happen if the power balance between Hamas and Israel were to be reversed. (Later, Wolpe told me that he thought Cohen could not have been so naïve as to misunderstand the nature of Hamas and Hezbollah, but instead was simply caught short by the question.)

At the time, Cohen suggested that he was uninterested in grappling with the nature of Hamas and its goals. “I reject the thinking behind your question,” he said. “It’s not useful to go there.”

“Going there,” however, is necessary, not only to understand why Israelis fear Hamas, but also to understand that the narrative advanced by Hamas apologists concerning the group's beliefs and goals is false. “Going there” also does not require enormous imagination, or a well-developed predisposition toward paranoia. It is, in my opinion, a dereliction of responsibility on the part of progressives not to try to understand the goals and beliefs of Islamist totalitarian movements.

(This post, you should know, is not a commentary on the particulars of the war between Israel and Hamas, a war in which Hamas baited Israel and Israel took the bait. Each time Israel kills an innocent Palestinian in its attempt to neutralize Hamas’s rockets, it represents a victory for Hamas, which has made plain its goal of getting Israel to kill innocent Gazans. Suffice it to say that Israel cannot afford many more “victories” of the sort it is seeking in Gaza right now. I supported a ceasefire early in this war precisely because I believed that the Israeli government had not thought through its strategic goals, or the methods for achieving those goals.)

While it is true that Hamas is expert at getting innocent Palestinians killed, it has made it very plain, in word and deed, that it would rather kill Jews. The following blood-freezing statement is from the group's charter: “The Islamic Resistance Movement aspires to the realization of Allah’s promise, no matter how long that should take. The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said: ‘The day of judgment will not come until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jews will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say ‘O Muslims, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.”
This is a frank and open call for genocide, embedded in one of the most thoroughly anti-Semitic documents you'll read this side of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Not many people seem to know that Hamas’s founding document is genocidal. Sometimes, the reasons for this lack of knowledge are benign; other times, as the New Yorker’s Philip Gourevitch argues in his recent dismantling of Rashid Khalidi’s apologia for Hamas, this ignorance is a direct byproduct of a decision to mask evidence of Hamas’s innate theocratic fascism.
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