Yadda wrote on May 6
th, 2016 at 2:54pm:
jmjcare wrote on May 6
th, 2016 at 8:53pm:
Yadda paraphrases
"Yadda is an Islamophobe."
Oh! Shock horror!!!!! Yadda is an
'Islamophobe' !!!!!!!
WHAT IS AN 'ISLAMOPHOBE' ?'Islamophobe' is a label which is attributed, by moslems, to anyone who dares to be critical of ISLAM [i.e. dares to be critical of ISLAM's doctrines, and tenets, and laws] or who is critical of some reprehensible behaviour, committed by many moslems,
in the name of ISLAM.
But what is an
'Islamophobe' ?
This is the typical mechanism by which someone becomes characterised as an 'Islamophobe', by moslems;
1/ Somewhere, moslems [IN THE NAME OF ISLAM!] will murder someone [or, moslems will attempt to murder someone, or, moslems will threaten someone with violence, or, moslems will say something in an attempt to intimidate someone who is not a moslem]. [this behaviour occurs because, moslems are being, moslems***].
2/ Then, somewhere else, someone will express an open criticism of moslems [for being moslems, i.e. they will express a legitimate criticism of some violent or reprehensible behaviour committed in the name of ISLAM, by moslems [see #1]].
3/ Then, moslems will 'accuse' their critics [see #2] of being an 'Islamophobe'. [as though being an 'Islamophobe' were somehow a legitimate counter-criticism, against the critics of ISLAM. BUT IT ISN'T. 'Islamophobe' is a empty and 'artificial' label.]
That is the truth of it.
***A moslem is a follower of
ISLAM. < --------
dictionary definition.
Mainstream ISLAM [within its doctrines, and tenets, and laws] teaches the moslem, .....that
ISLAMIC sanctioned violence, committed by a moslem, against an enemy of Allah,
is a lawful act.
Mainstream ISLAM [within its doctrines, and tenets, and laws] teaches the moslem, .....that a moslem who murders an enemy of Allah, is a good and virtuous person. !!! Koran 2.98 Koran 47.11 Koran 9.123 Koran 9.111 Koran 9.44
"....Lo! Allah is an enemy to those who reject Faith."
Koran 2.98
"....those who reject Allah have no protector."
Koran 47.008
v. 8-11
"Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day ask thee for no exemption from fighting...And Allah knoweth well those who do their duty."
Koran 9.44
Yadda said....
http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1459586210/51#51 Quote:
QUESTION;Who or what, is a moslem ???
A moslem is a follower of
ISLAM. < --------
dictionary definition.
mainstream ISLAM is a philosophy which [within its doctrines, and tenets, and laws] teaches every moslem, .....that a moslem who
murders an enemy of Allah, is a good and virtuous person.
But, what or who, is 'an enemy of Allah' ???
ISLAM [in the Koran] defines anyone who is a disbeliever, as an enemy of Allah!Seriously,
......is it any wonder that so many 'nice' people, will suddenly buy an airline ticket for Turkey [i.e. Syria], or walk into a cafe in Martin Place, Sydney, or go to the local mosque to obtain a pistol, .....and then turn into homicidal maniacs ?
No, ....it isn't.
Every moslem, is
a moslem.