LifeOrDeath wrote on Oct 14
th, 2015 at 10:42pm:
Moslems think that it isn't rape, if she isn't moslem, and isn't wearing a black tent.
If you are 1/ a moslem, and 2/ live in Araby, ....a moslem man can [apparently] only be accused of raping a woman, if the woman was wearing a black tent, and if the moslem rapist sells tickets to onlookers.
Sharia law is a wonderful thing.
prove rape, a woman must produce 4 witnesses
"We went out with Allah's Messenger"
= = Mohammed was in the company of these men.
"on the expedition to the Bi'l-Mustaliq and took captive some excellent Arab women"
= = it was some form of raiding party, where they, 'took captive some excellent Arab women'.
"and we desired them"
= = hmmmm, i wonder what that means?
"for we were suffering from the absence of our wives"
= = ah, in the absence they wives, they desired these women for sex, to satisfy their sexual lust.
"(but at the same time) we also desired ransom for them."
= = in their minds, they sought to sexually 'use' these captive Arab women, and then let their menfolk redeem them.
"So we decided to have sexual intercourse with them"
= = yep, Allah's finest, sought to sexually 'use' these 'excellent' captive Arab women.
Those [above] extracts from the Hadith are cited, with references, here;
Bikeway rapist gets 25 years in jail