Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 20
th, 2015 at 6:31pm:
Of course every situation is different.
Here is my 2 cents worth.
First time someone hits you walk out the door and don't take them back, if you have been assaulted first stop is either the hospital or the police, if you need to go to hospital the doctors will call the police for you.
If you fear reprisals take out an AVO and call the police if they breach the AVO.
If none of that works you have left an evidence trail of unresolved problems which could help you in court if you are charged.
baron I think you will fin d that has actually been happening now for many years......
what we are saying is... nothing is changing???...sadly.
what is it that gives one person the right to physically attack another?????.....
I keep saying VIOLENCE IS VIOLENCE...the word domestic trivialises the violence word... to my way of thinking anyway.,..
but we need to teach the young it isnt acceptable to lay a hand on anyone else...
there seems to me to be an unusual low level of accepting someone doesnt want you...
people are not dealing with well the NO word for example...
why cant the young be taught its ok not to drink or smoke..its not a laughing matter its 'their right'..
disappointment and knock backs are norm for life get used to it.. dont kill someone for it..or bash them...they have rights just the same as anyone else..
every time I look around we are asking the govt or laws to fix up human problems...when are we going to make it the norm for people to stop and think before they lash out.. and realise it isnt worth it...
if a man thinks bashing the lights out of his women will make her love him more
isnt he in some kind of denial???..