Kytro wrote on Oct 23
rd, 2015 at 12:06pm:
mariacostel wrote on Oct 23
rd, 2015 at 8:38am:
its the same conspiracy theories over and over. While the average man is now the wealthiest he has ever been, they complain about the opposite.
The gap between rich and everyone else is growing though, and it is a cause for concern. If it grows too much it could cause a societal collapse.
this is just the natural order of things.
the gap between Roger Federer and everyone else is growing as tennis players become more and more elite.
solution....start training hard when you are young. its unlikely roger is going to agree to play with a ping pong bat just to make you feel better.
the gap between the skills of an Apple IT specialist and everyone is growing every year too. your asss off to get good at IT.
Its unlikely Apple are going to agree to go back to MS Dos, just to make you feel better.
and so we could go on.
solution ....if the rich are becoming more successful, then study what they are doing and do that yourself.
Dont be thinking they will just turn down the passion to make you feel better.
The truth is that a lot of rich people would love to help, but the poor are so hateful, most rich people just keep a low profile and carry on.
When a westerner goes to africa and sees terrible poverty, dont you think most westerners would like to help.
Why do people assume that rich people dont want to help poor people. Its the poor themselves who keep themselves poor. They self sabotage at every turn