its hard for lefties like gweg.
when you are a rightard and on purpose with creating an awesome life, you have no need for validation or attention seeking.
leftards , say female green senators , have no such life purpose. its all about the emotions they experience.
the little highs and lows of being on an emotional rollercoaster.
part of being on that rollercoaster is that you need highs and lows.
women and effeminate men will seek this out.
they dont just want the internalised happiness that comes from a genuine self esteem , they want lots of pats on the back and lots of disses as well.
women will create a "soap opera" in their own lives to give them the pleasure and the pain. they like to experience this range of emotions.
its living life at a very undeveloped conscious state.
its failing to progress beyond the little hits of up and down in a romantic comedy.
true rightards recognise this as a dysfunctional way of living.
it is unlikely that someone living for these little hits of validation would have the depth of character to mend their ways.
is a green senator suddenly going to become a thoughtful and reflective person like John Howard or Julei Bishop. no, they are stuck on the rollercoaster of emotions. they are truly lost.