Dnarever wrote on Oct 26
th, 2015 at 10:52am:
Muttley wrote on Oct 26
th, 2015 at 10:47am:
That is correct. You've continually criticised Herbie to everybody for no reason other than you are a f##king bully.
Indeed, "Life is good" for you providing you have succeeded in accomplishing your goal of infuriating him.
It would be nice if everyone was nicer to each other however in this case as far as I can see Herb gives about as much as he cops.
I dont really think that being "nice' as such is important.
One of the big big traps is to end up in an echo chamber of self congratulation.
One sees this with the political parties.
If you visit the green senators facebook pages , any dissenting comments are deleted and it is nothing but an exercise in syncophants trying to appease their anxiety by group think.
How do i know?
I questioned them on live cattle exports and they deleted my comments.
So niceness is not what we are after.
Niceness is just a chode emotion anyway.
The discussion should be about challenging and growth (as all relationships should be).
as an example, i find the comments of a Karmal well worth reading and i have changed my opinion on some topics due to this.
Greg probably has a reasonable brain. he should use it to engage and present his arguement.
No one (i hope) wants to just read post after post of "complaining" which seems to be some posters default position.
Negative neurosis and throwing yourself a pity party is , indeed , unhelpful.
We dont need cry babies who turn every topic into a cry baby topic.
start a thread called the Wambulance and they can post there.
i call out the whingers and complainers because they deserve better.
Our current PM seems to have cottoned onto this.
When he says that australia is an exciting place to be and lets get excited about things like the FTA i concur.
negative neurotics need to be beaten down as the white ants of progress