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Good lateline interview - required viewing! (Read 1858 times)
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Re: Good lateline interview - required viewing!
Reply #15 - Oct 29th, 2015 at 8:08pm
The Bible says a man can be punished for working on the Sabbath and that touching pig skin makes one unclean. Numerous references to killing people for various crimes. But the Church has moved on and modernise in keeping with the times. Islam is still stuck in the middle ages.
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Re: Good lateline interview - required viewing!
Reply #16 - Oct 29th, 2015 at 8:48pm
Armchair_Politician wrote on Oct 29th, 2015 at 8:08pm:
The Bible says a man can be punished for working on the Sabbath and that touching pig skin makes one unclean. Numerous references to killing people for various crimes. But the Church has moved on and modernise in keeping with the times. Islam is still stuck in the middle ages.

Islamism is stuck in the middle ages, it’s true. Check out your OP.
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Re: Good lateline interview - required viewing!
Reply #17 - Oct 30th, 2015 at 10:51am

I watched the debate overnight.

Maajid Nawaz and Sam Harris are working from a false premise, imo.

The false premise,        that an overwhelming majority of moslems in the world can [somehow!!!] be persuaded to abandon the 'essential' and absolutely core doctrines of their faith.         ....I refer specifically to 'essential' and absolutely core doctrines of ISLAM,       .....which are underpinned by the utter respect within every moslem community for the life and person of Mohammed, and underpinned  by the utter respect within every moslem community for, and belief in, the absolute inerrancy of the Koran.

Respect and reverence for Mohammed, within every moslem community, is unassailable!

"Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah [i.e. Mohammed] a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of Allah."
Koran 33.021

And, we see THE essential and absolutely core doctrine of ISLAM, being wholeheartedly endorsed by Mohammed [abhorrence and death, for apostasy].....

"...the Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him."
hadithsunnah/bukhari/ #004.052.260

And there exists another implied false premise,      that somehow, an overwhelming majority of 'reformed' moslems could somehow be able to reign in, the remaining small minority of 'extremist' moslems and prevent them from undertaking acts of political violence.

They won't.

They would be unable to accomplish or enforce, such a 'prohibition'.

Maajid Nawaz self-declares as a moslem.

So what part of the Koran can Maajid Nawaz reject, and remain a moslem ?

As a moslem does Maajid Nawaz revere Mohammed [as every moslem must] ?

But coming back to the task of the reform of mainstream ISLAM, worldwide;

Who has the means and ability, AND THE RESPECT OF THE WHOLE MOSLEM COMMUNITY, to achieve such an undertaking ?

What Sam Harris is willing to openly CONCEDE;
"..i'm under no illusions that i or anyone else is going to convince 1.6 billion moslems to become atheists."
           goto 01 min 08 sec

A War of Ideas: Maajid Nawaz & Sam Harris discuss the future of tolerance                              266 mb

Sam Harris actually states and concedes what an unacheivable task his camp wishes to embark upon;
"....the challenge really, is to find moderating voices [within the moslem camp].....where we can have, a real spirit of secularism and liberalism within the moslem community."
           goto 01 min 21 sec

Sam Harris and Maajid Nawaz are deluded fantasists, imo.


Lets assume that the task [the wholesale reform of mainstream ISLAM] was somehow achieved.

And that there were say, a tiny, tiny minority, say only 1 % of moslems, that remained unconvinced and decided to 'stand apart' from the reformers.         That would mean that would still leave an estimated 16 million 'hard core', 'extremist' moslems worldwide, who would remain committed to murdering infidels - in 'the cause of Allah' and in the cause of his perfect religion.        That is, an estimated 16 million 'hard core', 'extremist' moslems worldwide, would remain 'free' to pursue their political 'ambitions' through 'righteous' political violence !
n.b.      There were only 19 [only    n i n e t e e n  !!!] hard core 'extremist' moslems, who took part, in the attacks on 9/11.

And if the task [a wholesale reform of mainstream ISLAM] was somehow achieved and there remained only 1 % 'extremist' moslems that remained unconvinced and therefore they that remained committed to their 'extremist' modality, how could we identify who they were [seeing as we know, that Jihadists routinely will seek to protect their intent from detection, through the employment of lying and deceit and denial] ?

Think again, Maajid Nawaz and Sam Harris.

'Innovation', the English language word which devout moslems today have co-opted, in their narrative to describe and to denounce the idea of the reform of ISLAM.

innovation is haram

If reform of ISLAM is impossible,       and, reform of mainstream ISLAM is impossible!!

What realistic alternative is there ?

I see only two possible outcomes/options/paths open to mankind today, with regard to its relationship with ISLAM.

SEPARATION of the 'camps' [i.e. absolutely separate development and 'quarantining' of the moslem world, from the non-moslem world].


CONFLICT.       ....and it will be a protracted conflict which will result in the utter destruction of everything which the non-moslem world has come to cherish.

Which of those two paths will we, mankind, take ?

The second path.


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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Good lateline interview - required viewing!
Reply #18 - Oct 30th, 2015 at 11:13am
Fascinating interview.

Maajid is right to talk about the 'Voldermort effect' of leftists and muslims not wanting to talk about Islamism. But to be honest I feel uncomfortable with his general narrative - always eager to flog the dangerous Islam/Islamism meme, while seemingly reluctant to bring up the other side of the coin - western aggression and alienation amongst muslims that fuels Islamism. One should never leave out the entire context here.

In all honesty I was moved by Harris's bemouning of nihlist Islamist ideology that concludes that there is literally no slaughter that can ever be bad - if you kill bad people its what Allah wanted, but if you kill good people, they have an express ticket to paradise, so of course you are doing them a favour. It creates a world, in Harris's words, that literally has no other purpose than to be destroyed.

The take-home message, which no doubt the knuckleheads missed, is that we have an ideology that absolutely can and should be countered by muslims, on Islamic theological grounds. Both the muslim and the atheist agreed unambiguously with this. And of course this is the point that will continue to be lost on the knuckleheads, who in reality are only interested in proving how unreformable Islam is. Which is a completely self-defeating position as Harris himself said - you aren't going to convince 1.5 billion people to suddenly become atheist (or adopt another religion). And I wish Maajid especially would talk about this more - he loves to point out how the 'regressive left' enable and legitimise the Islamists, but in fact its very much the case that the right in the west *ALSO* enables and legitimises the Islamists - by constantly insisting they have the correct interpretation of Islam, and constantly mocking and deligitimising the muslims who reject the Islamist ideology.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Good lateline interview - required viewing!
Reply #19 - Oct 30th, 2015 at 11:37am
polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 30th, 2015 at 11:13am:
Fascinating interview.

Maajid is right to talk about the 'Voldermort effect' of leftists and muslims not wanting to talk about Islamism. But to be honest I feel uncomfortable with his general narrative - always eager to flog the dangerous Islam/Islamism meme, while seemingly reluctant to bring up the other side of the coin - western aggression and alienation amongst muslims that fuels Islamism. One should never leave out the entire context here.

In all honesty I was moved by Harris's bemouning of nihlist Islamist ideology that concludes that there is literally no slaughter that can ever be bad - if you kill bad people its what Allah wanted, but if you kill good people, they have an express ticket to paradise, so of course you are doing them a favour. It creates a world, in Harris's words, that literally has no other purpose than to be destroyed.

The take-home message, which no doubt the knuckleheads missed, is that we have an ideology that absolutely can and should be countered by muslims, on Islamic theological grounds. Both the muslim and the atheist agreed unambiguously with this. And of course this is the point that will continue to be lost on the knuckleheads, who in reality are only interested in proving how unreformable Islam is. Which is a completely self-defeating position as Harris himself said - you aren't going to convince 1.5 billion people to suddenly become atheist (or adopt another religion). And I wish Maajid especially would talk about this more - he loves to point out how the 'regressive left' enable and legitimise the Islamists, but in fact its very much the case that the right in the west *ALSO* enables and legitimises the Islamists - by constantly insisting they have the correct interpretation of Islam, and constantly mocking and deligitimising the muslims who reject the Islamist ideology.

Very true. Yes, the West has some responsibility here, but we're dealing with an ideology that, in practice, stones people to death.

This problem is not just IS, it's Saudi Arabia. Enabling the Saudis has given this ideology huge support. Given the position of Saudi Arabia on top of all that oil, I'm not sure how the US could change tack. At present, however, the State Department, the White House and the entire US empire supports the Saudis 100%. There is no criticism of human rights violations whatsoever. They all get along famously.

Presumably, the Saudis have enough dirt on the US to make such moralizing useless. The Saudi torture cells are most likely to be a popular destination for enemies of the US, as is Pakistan - as was Egypt under Mubarak. We have first hand evidence of these destinations, along with the supervision of the CIA. Hicks and Habib both passed through these places.

The US have no right to preach to the Middle East and Central Asia, and they know it. It does, however, have the ability to influence moderates in these regions and work together.
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A cat with a view
Re: Good lateline interview - required viewing!
Reply #20 - Oct 30th, 2015 at 12:20pm
Karnal wrote on Oct 30th, 2015 at 11:37am:

Presumably, the Saudis have enough dirt on the US to make such moralizing useless. The Saudi torture cells are most likely to be a popular destination for enemies of the US, as is Pakistan - as was Egypt under Mubarak. We have first hand evidence of these destinations, along with the supervision of the CIA. Hicks and Habib both passed through these places.

The US have no right to preach to the Middle East and Central Asia, and they know it.

It does, however, have
the ability to influence moderates
in these regions and work together.

moderates, K ?

Moderate ducks ?

Or moderate chickens ?

Anjem Choudary, no radical, no "moderate muslim"

Anjem Choudary, no radical ISLAM

Anjem Choudary, no radical ISLAM, either muslim, or not muslim

we reject Western notions of "moderate Islam"

muslims urged to reject Western term, of a "moderate Islam"

it is time to end to the charade of "moderate Islam"

Yadda comment, on that last Google 'pitch';




"[a respected moslem community spokesman has]

called on Australian Muslims to spurn secular democracy and Western notions of moderate Islam...

...[moslems in Australia were told] that democracy is "haram" (forbidden) for Muslims, whose political engagement should be be based purely on Islamic law.

"We must adhere to Islam and Islam alone," Mr Hanif [said]"


2004 - A UK moslem community leader, speaking 12 months before the London 7/7 bombing;


Attack on London 'inevitable'
April 19, 2004
"We don't make a distinction between civilians and non-civilians, innocents and non-innocents.

Only between Muslims and unbelievers.

And the life of an unbeliever has no value.

It has no sanctity."


Spokesmen for ISLAM will tell anyone who will listen;


Please watch this YT...
A UK moslem community leader, speaking in the wake of the London 7/7 bombing;



"...when we say innocent people, we mean moslems."

"....[not accepting ISLAM] is a crime against God."
"...If you are a non-moslem, then you are guilty of not believing in God."
" a moslem....i must have hatred towards everything which is non-ISLAM."
"...[moslems] allegiance is always with the moslems, so i will never condemn a moslem for what he does."
"...Britain has always been Dar al Harb [the Land of War]"
", i could never condemn a moslem brother, i would never condemn a moslem brother. I will always stand with my moslem brother....whether he is an oppresser or the oppressed."

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Good lateline interview - required viewing!
Reply #21 - Oct 30th, 2015 at 2:30pm
Karnal wrote on Oct 30th, 2015 at 11:37am:
Very true. Yes, the West has some responsibility here, but we're dealing with an ideology that, in practice, stones people to death.

The number of ISIS militants raping and pillaging as FD would put it numbers some 10s of thousands. The actual hardcore 'died in the wool' fair dinkum Islamists would in reality be a fairly small fraction of even this relatively small number. Yet they rule over a population running well into the millions. We are talking about just ordinary people in a crappy place at a crappy time, who want desperately just to lead something resembling a normal life and provide safety and security for their children. This is the context of the spread of ISIS. It is not an ideological issue, it is a safety and security issue. Just like the Afghanis who submitted to taliban rule, these people don't submit to ISIS because they adhere to their ideology - they submit to them because that gives them the best prospect of not getting beheaded or stoned on the one hand, or tortured and killed by ISIS's enemies on the other. In summary, the people that seem to be enabling and supporting ISIS cannot possibly be expected to make any sort of moral or ideological stance against them while ever ISIS exists within such a hopeless security vacuum.

Karnal wrote on Oct 30th, 2015 at 11:37am:
This problem is not just IS, it's Saudi Arabia. Enabling the Saudis has given this ideology huge support. Given the position of Saudi Arabia on top of all that oil, I'm not sure how the US could change tack. At present, however, the State Department, the White House and the entire US empire supports the Saudis 100%. There is no criticism of human rights violations whatsoever. They all get along famously.

While not defending the American apologetics of Saudi human rights abuses, it would be far easier to undermine the Saudi regime on human rights grounds if there was an alternative that was even slightly better. But there isn't. Literally the only alternative to the current Saudi regime is guys like ISIS - that is what Saudi political opposition looks like - political groups that are even more extreme than the house of Saud. It also goes some way in explaining the abuses of the regime - in truth there are (relative) progressives within the regime, but they have their hands tied, and any progressive reform must be done slowly and with the greatest of tact. That driving ban for women, by the way, has all but been overturned now.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Good lateline interview - required viewing!
Reply #22 - Oct 30th, 2015 at 4:10pm
Good. It would seem there is some progress happening in Saudi Arabia. They’ll be tested over the kid they’re trying to "crucify", which everyone around the world (apart from the US) has begged them to spare.

The Saudis are a strangely cosmopolitan bunch. They’re largely educated in the Oxbridge or Ivy League universities. They spend years living and partying in London or New York before they settle down and become Medieval Wahabists.

How the Saudis can sustain such hypocrisy is beyond most Muslims I’ve met. They have p!ss-ups and sex parties on their yachts while they fund expensive charities in Mecca. They bet millions on camel races with indentured child jockeys from Bangladesh while they lecture the rest of the Muslim world on how to be pious and hardline.

Forget the TV evangelists in the Deep South, the Saudis have to be the world’s number one hypocrites.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Good lateline interview - required viewing!
Reply #23 - Oct 30th, 2015 at 4:12pm
Oh just more muslim mindless babble Roll Eyes

As you all were.
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There is no evidence of the existence of a muslim,mohammed,or quran until 60 years  after mohammed was supposed to have died. Grin Grin Grin Posting on islam just encourages them and is a waste of time.
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Re: Good lateline interview - required viewing!
Reply #24 - Oct 30th, 2015 at 4:15pm
Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Oct 29th, 2015 at 3:37pm:
Perhaps Russia can save us from IS or at least from it spreading.

Iraq and Syria are just a couple of wars that are meant to be sustained rather than ended.

The US has been doing this since Vietnam.

That's why the Russians have been so effective they want to end it and quickly.

Suadi Arabia keep their human rights atrocities within their own borders, which is a good thing. Their women will step up one day when they find a way to empower themselves, the same as the Afghani women. The west can't help them, they have to help themselves.

How do you know they need saving....????
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1. There has never been a more serious assault on our standard of living than Anthropogenic Global Warming..Ajax
2. "One hour of freedom is worth more than 40 years of slavery &  prison" Regas Feraeos
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Re: Good lateline interview - required viewing!
Reply #25 - Oct 31st, 2015 at 6:12pm
Ajax wrote on Oct 30th, 2015 at 4:15pm:
Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Oct 29th, 2015 at 3:37pm:
Perhaps Russia can save us from IS or at least from it spreading.

Iraq and Syria are just a couple of wars that are meant to be sustained rather than ended.

The US has been doing this since Vietnam.

That's why the Russians have been so effective they want to end it and quickly.

Russia is also not without it's own agenda.
So long as Assad remains in power and maintains his stance of blocking proposed alternative gas pipelines through Syria, Turkey and on to Europe. Russia gets to keep it's monopoly on supplying piped gas to Europe via Ukraine.

I'm sure America's Military Industrial Complex benefits from the conflict and there is also the possibility that Zionists in Israel desire destabilization and depopulating of the area to facilitate the implementation of their Greater Israel plan.
Added to this is the old Sunni vs Shia power play between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

The ordinary people of Iraq and Syria are being put under the bus because of these power plays and now Europe is facing social turmoil and greater risk from Islamist based terrorism due to the influx of refugees.  

It's a nasty business with many layers of desired outcomes.    
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"We Are Consciousness Itself"
- Adi Da Samraj
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A cat with a view
Re: Good lateline interview - required viewing!
Reply #26 - Nov 2nd, 2015 at 9:46am
Yadda wrote on Oct 30th, 2015 at 10:51am:

I watched the debate overnight.

Maajid Nawaz and Sam Harris are working from a false premise, imo.

The false premise,        that an overwhelming majority of moslems in the world can [somehow!!!] be persuaded to abandon the 'essential' and absolutely core doctrines of their faith.

Sam Harris actually states and concedes what an unacheivable task his camp wishes to embark upon;
"....the challenge really, is to find moderating voices [within the moslem camp].....where we can have, a real spirit of secularism and liberalism within the moslem community."
           goto 01 min 21 sec

Sam Harris and Maajid Nawaz are deluded fantasists, imo.

Islamist group Hizb ut-Tahrir decries ‘forced Muslim assimilation’
    November 01, 2015


Hizb ut-Tahrir spokesman Uthman Badar told the conference the Australian government “claims to afford freedom, but seeks to impose values and beliefs” on Muslims.

Muslims were expected to not just be gracious about Australian values, but publicly promote them, Mr Badar said.

This imposition of secular western values was reflected in the oath when taking out citizenship, Mr Badar said, with new citizens required to pledge allegiance to Australia “whose democratic beliefs I share”.

“It’s not enough that you obey the law, no, you have to adopt our values,” Mr Badar told the conference.

“If you don’t share those values, why should they be forced to sing it?” Mr Badar said.

Mr Badar said the campaign by government and agencies against radicalisation was actually a smokescreen to “make Muslims less Islamic”.

Government efforts to promote what it bills as a moderate form of Islam might on occasion “buy out some Imam”, Mr Badar said, but overall, “the attempt to reform Islam is doomed to failure.”

The conference heard a series of members of the Muslim community, some by prerecorded audiovisual clips and some live from the floor — deliver testimonials of what they claimed was oppressive behaviour by officials against them as Muslims, at airports, in police raids, and in high security prisons.

I agree with Mr Badar.

.....the bit about;
"doomed to failure"

Why do i believe that ?

Every moslem, is a moslem.

Muslim = = a follower of Islam.


If a thinking person like OzPol's gandalf, can't 'reason out' [for himself] that ISLAM is evil,     .....and worthy of denouncing and abandoning,      .....what chance is there for moslems [OR ANYONE ELSE], to be able to successfully reform ISLAM in this 21st century age ??????

Can't you see, can't you 'reason it out',       .....that OzPol's gandalf,       .....and Hizb ut-Tahrir spokesman Uthman Badar, are of 'the same mind' ?

--------- >

Yadda said....

gandalf, considers it offensive, for me to expect him to acknowledge the inherent failings [of logic] of ISLAM, and the inherent evil of ISLAM,        .....and my expectation, for him [consequently] to choose to abandon ISLAM.

But that isn't going to happen.

People like gandalf are not going to abandon ISLAM.

They have become enthralled, by ISLAM.

enthral = =
1  capture the fascinated attention of.

ISLAM is a death trap, for the human psyche, imo.

But, the moslem psyche seems enthralled, by what ISLAM is.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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