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Question: Should a heart attack + a quadruple bypass = the DSP?

  9 (81.8%)
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Total votes: 11
« Created by: Bobby. on: Oct 31st, 2015 at 12:01pm »

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Tens Of Thousands Angry About Centrelink (Read 12470 times)
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Re: Tens Of Thousands Angry About Centrelink
Reply #165 - Nov 2nd, 2015 at 12:14pm
Bam wrote on Nov 2nd, 2015 at 11:52am:
aquascoot wrote on Nov 2nd, 2015 at 10:32am:
Bam wrote on Nov 2nd, 2015 at 10:04am:
aquascoot wrote on Nov 2nd, 2015 at 6:37am:
since the unemployed dont have any real estate, farms and businesses to sell, this plan would certsainly be popular with the unemployed.

This is why you fail. Pay attention.

You have a narrow pre-conceived notion of what "the unemployed" means. Like most rightards, you spend your whole life stereotyping other people, placing people into little boxes with a convenient label and everyone in each box is the same. In the case of your little box labelled "the unemployed", none of them own property, all of them are not trying, and so on. Your blatant stereotyping of "the unemployed" is far from accurate and that is why your posts about the unemployed are weapons-grade horseshit. You know so little about unemployed workers (a more accurate term) that you sound like an idiot every time you post about them.

Centrelink has a "MOD R" form where R ose properties? Mostly by working hard, saving and investing. Just like everyone else who buys real estate.

Think about that for a moment and you will realise that unemployed workers are just like everyone else. The sole difference is that they are currently without a chair in the great game of employment musical chairs. Unemployed workers end up without a job for all sorts of reasons - lack of experience, retrenchment, company goes bust, even drought. Yes, it is true, farmers can end up on the dole too.

For most unemployed workers they end up without a job through no fault of their own. There are simply not enough jobs to go around. And here's another fact - if the unemployment rate and workforce is steady, for every unemployed worker who is lucky enough to find a job, somewhere another worker has to lose their job to make room. The actual labour market has more people in jobs over time due to population growth, but more people end up unemployed too.

The only way that all the unemployed can find work at the same time is if we had real full employment in Australia and that hasn't happened for 40 years. No amount of airy-fairy positive thinking nonsense helps if the jobs are not there and the community is filled with hate and mistrust towards the unemployed. Your stereotyping of unemployed workers doesn't help. Not one bit.

people shouldnt be filled with hate and mistrust towards the unemployed.
i feel genuinely sorry for them.
they are missing out.

they are the playthings of the left who seek to control them.

You have it wrong, completely wrong.

It is not the "left" who bring in Work for the Dole, the JSA network and grant power to issue fines on unaccountable private corporations. It is not the "left" who put to the Parliament bill after bill to control the unemployed, such as "Debit Card Trial" and "Further Strengthening Job Seeker Compliance". Those control Bills are products of the current right-wing government, not the "left". So get your facts straight.

you are never going to be with out a job if you have a great attitude , a great social network, a great number of family and friends and great community ties.

have all this and you gaurantee your "social security"

More of this clueless "positive thinking" horseshit crap again that has no relevance to the real world. Do you seriously think that doing all of this and the job fairy will magically grant a job?

centrelink dont help the unemployed.
entrust your working future to a bunch of disinterested public servants or politicians who wish to use you (like they use assylum seekers) and you are truly farrked.

It's not the public servants who are the problem, it is the rules that are imposed by an uncaring and hostile governments. Get this ... this current government thinks that a six-month wait for the dole is an appropriate way to handle youth unemployment that in some places is over 20%. They are clueless.

these things are useful teaching tools.
they make the wrong thing hard (always a good teaching principle).
they are meant to teach and train , not to control.

labor introduce welfare as a way of getting people addicted to government.
the single mothers pension is a typical example.

they control single mothers by making the government  the daddy in the household. then, when the single mum is well and truly addicted to the government $$$, they pull the rug out from under her and make her go cold turkey. Gillard did just that, lowering the age to 6 yo when the payment cuts out.
Chief drug dealer Gough got them all hooked on the pure stuff by making the $$$ flow til your child reached 16.

Slowly the labor "drug dealers' kept cutting back on the dose, (whlist creating ever more addicts).
This is just control and cruelty.

Lets just admit, the government cannot create jobs (anymore then the government can find you a date on a saturday night).  you have to develop the skill set to do this yourself. its up to YOU to improve improve improve  Wink
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Ex Dame Pansi
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Re: Tens Of Thousands Angry About Centrelink
Reply #166 - Nov 2nd, 2015 at 12:25pm
aquascoot wrote on Nov 2nd, 2015 at 12:05pm:
Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Nov 2nd, 2015 at 11:51am:
aquascoot wrote on Nov 2nd, 2015 at 10:15am:
what sort of society puts even young people and people with some sort of impairment on the DSP scrap heap?

what sort of society says that its better for people to stay home, ALONE, ISOLATED, NO WORK CIRCLE OF FRIENDS AND NO ABILITY TO CONTRIBUTE,

the DSP leads to social isolation, depression, alcohol and drug addiction , gambling addiction.

Gee you talk rubbish.

Disabled pensioners don't have to be isolated, alone, depressed or addicted.

Many would have very fulfilling lives but you don't want to know that, do you scoot?

They might have family, they would most likely have friends, probably other DSP's, some would drive, some would even get out of their house, you into the wider community, something you should do.

Your poor horses must be fed up with you lecturing them all day.

How dare they get a pension and enjoy not working.

Most DSP can still enjoy the beach during the summer months too.

Shocked how dare they Shocked

enjoying the beach is the reward for a decent weeks work. (in the same way having a beer on a friday avo is the reward for a hard weeks work)
its not a lifestyle choice.its not something that people should do every day.

I even heard some pensioners are considering going overseas to thailand and expect the australian taxpayer to fund their lifestyle choice.

How pitiful  Wink Wink

Of course I expect the taxpayer to fund it, just as I funded those before me and so on, that's how it works.

.......the beach is a reward, a beer is a reward, weetbix too?

How pitiful  Sad  Sad

I heard they might be going sooner if the cost of living keeps rising.

Pension automatically credited to bank account every fortnight, rent a condo by the sea, fresh food, cook it yourself or eat out, plenty of social activities, join in or opt out, live like a queen on a paupers's all about choice, lifestyle choice.
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"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." Hendrix
andrei said: Great isn't it? Seeing boatloads of what is nothing more than human garbage turn up.....
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Ex Dame Pansi
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Re: Tens Of Thousands Angry About Centrelink
Reply #167 - Nov 2nd, 2015 at 12:26pm
turn ova
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"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." Hendrix
andrei said: Great isn't it? Seeing boatloads of what is nothing more than human garbage turn up.....
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Re: Tens Of Thousands Angry About Centrelink
Reply #168 - Nov 2nd, 2015 at 12:30pm
Honest question, are the right wingers on this forum real people or trolls? I honestly can't tell. Surely nobody can be as insane and divorced from reality as Cods, Maria, Armchair, Aqua etc.

In what ****ing universe do these people live?
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Re: Tens Of Thousands Angry About Centrelink
Reply #169 - Nov 2nd, 2015 at 12:33pm
aquascoot wrote on Nov 2nd, 2015 at 12:05pm:
Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Nov 2nd, 2015 at 11:51am:
aquascoot wrote on Nov 2nd, 2015 at 10:15am:
what sort of society puts even young people and people with some sort of impairment on the DSP scrap heap?

what sort of society says that its better for people to stay home, ALONE, ISOLATED, NO WORK CIRCLE OF FRIENDS AND NO ABILITY TO CONTRIBUTE,

the DSP leads to social isolation, depression, alcohol and drug addiction , gambling addiction.

Gee you talk rubbish.

Disabled pensioners don't have to be isolated, alone, depressed or addicted.

Many would have very fulfilling lives but you don't want to know that, do you scoot?

They might have family, they would most likely have friends, probably other DSP's, some would drive, some would even get out of their house, you into the wider community, something you should do.

Your poor horses must be fed up with you lecturing them all day.

How dare they get a pension and enjoy not working.

Most DSP can still enjoy the beach during the summer months too.

Shocked how dare they Shocked

enjoying the beach is the reward for a decent weeks work. (in the same way having a beer on a friday avo is the reward for a hard weeks work)
its not a lifestyle choice.its not something that people should do every day.

I even heard some pensioners are considering going overseas to thailand and expect the australian taxpayer to fund their lifestyle choice.

How pitiful  Wink Wink


They are not privileges reserved only for your beloved 'workers', as much as you'd like them to be.

ANYONE is entitled to enjoy either one. Working or not.

WHY do you think you should be able to deny the unemployed the rights enjoyed by others?

As long as you do, and as long as you regard yourself as being somehow 'better' and 'more
worthy and deserving' than them, you'll always BE bloody wrong!

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Jovial Monk
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Re: Tens Of Thousands Angry About Centrelink
Reply #170 - Nov 2nd, 2015 at 12:37pm
The pension is pathetic anyway, as is NewStart only more so.

Some couples have divorced tho continuing to live as man and wife: two single pensions pay more than one couple pension. Pensioners have to advise centerlink of whatever bit of money they make by working. Some used to letterbox direct mail to get exercise and some extra money.

Meanwhile, a few thousand very wealthy people get $50Bn in tax exemptions for super. After booking all these HUGE tax exemptions they can then retire and the income they get is tax free! I know who the leaners are and they are not pensioners or those temporarily out of work.
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Get the vaxx! 💉💉

If you don’t like abortions ignore them like you do school shootings.
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Re: Tens Of Thousands Angry About Centrelink
Reply #171 - Nov 2nd, 2015 at 1:29pm
Kat wrote on Nov 2nd, 2015 at 12:33pm:
aquascoot wrote on Nov 2nd, 2015 at 12:05pm:
Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Nov 2nd, 2015 at 11:51am:
aquascoot wrote on Nov 2nd, 2015 at 10:15am:
what sort of society puts even young people and people with some sort of impairment on the DSP scrap heap?

what sort of society says that its better for people to stay home, ALONE, ISOLATED, NO WORK CIRCLE OF FRIENDS AND NO ABILITY TO CONTRIBUTE,

the DSP leads to social isolation, depression, alcohol and drug addiction , gambling addiction.

Gee you talk rubbish.

Disabled pensioners don't have to be isolated, alone, depressed or addicted.

Many would have very fulfilling lives but you don't want to know that, do you scoot?

They might have family, they would most likely have friends, probably other DSP's, some would drive, some would even get out of their house, you into the wider community, something you should do.

Your poor horses must be fed up with you lecturing them all day.

How dare they get a pension and enjoy not working.

Most DSP can still enjoy the beach during the summer months too.

Shocked how dare they Shocked

enjoying the beach is the reward for a decent weeks work. (in the same way having a beer on a friday avo is the reward for a hard weeks work)
its not a lifestyle choice.its not something that people should do every day.

I even heard some pensioners are considering going overseas to thailand and expect the australian taxpayer to fund their lifestyle choice.

How pitiful  Wink Wink


They are not privileges reserved only for your beloved 'workers', as much as you'd like them to be.

ANYONE is entitled to enjoy either one. Working or not.

WHY do you think you should be able to deny the unemployed the rights enjoyed by others?

As long as you do, and as long as you regard yourself as being somehow 'better' and 'more
worthy and deserving'
than them, you'll always BE bloody wrong!

not better or more worthy, simply living life from a better "vision"

you are the "star" in your own life "movie"

if you want to script a mediocre role for yourself, this is your choice.
a good career is like a good relationship, worth putting in an effort for.
if you have a good relationship end and you are alone, then , the sensible thing is to work on yourself and become a positive contributing person and you 'll soon find yourself back in a good relationship.
if you have a good job and it ends and you are unemployed, the sensible thing is to work on yourself and become a positive contributing person and you'll soon find yourself back in a good job.

if you are negative, pessimistic and give up,  no one will want to start a relationship with you.
if you are negative, pessimistic and give up, no one will want to employ you.

now Monk will come back and tell me my ideas are fanciful, but if you had a friend who was recently divorced , would you advice him to be bitter, tell him how bad the dating market is, tell him their arent enough women to go around, tell him to throw himself a pity party.  if you do, i would not consider you a good friend to this man.

if you do the same to the unemployed, i do not consider you a good friend to the unemployed
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Re: Tens Of Thousands Angry About Centrelink
Reply #172 - Nov 2nd, 2015 at 1:33pm
Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 2nd, 2015 at 12:37pm:
The pension is pathetic anyway, as is NewStart only more so.

Some couples have divorced tho continuing to live as man and wife: two single pensions pay more than one couple pension. Pensioners have to advise centerlink of whatever bit of money they make by working. Some used to letterbox direct mail to get exercise and some extra money.

Meanwhile, a few thousand very wealthy people get $50Bn in tax exemptions for super. After booking all these HUGE tax exemptions they can then retire and the income they get is tax free! I know who the leaners are and they are not pensioners or those temporarily out of work.

this would seem to be advocating a criminal act
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Re: Tens Of Thousands Angry About Centrelink
Reply #173 - Nov 2nd, 2015 at 1:49pm
Swagman wrote on Nov 2nd, 2015 at 9:47am:
Bobby. wrote on Nov 2nd, 2015 at 7:49am:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Nov 1st, 2015 at 7:46pm:
A quadruple bypass is a fix - not a cure - and the basic problems that lead to the problem in the first place still remain and can be ameliorated by medication and diet and lifestyle.

But the vote:

Question: Should a heart attack + a quadruple bypass = the DSP?

is now  8 to 0 in favor.

8-1 now.

Heart surgery MAY not be a legitimate claim for DSP. 

You can actually be 10X healthier following heart surgery and more than capable of doing paid work.  Depends upon whether the heart has been damaged.

Dear misguided Swagman,
But the guy was off work with a medical certificate from his surgeon.
Centerlink wouldn't accept the certificate -
apparently they know more than a qualified surgeon!

The reason he didn't get the DSP is because he had some money in the Bank -
it's means tested.

you are forgiven for voting no.

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John Smith
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Re: Tens Of Thousands Angry About Centrelink
Reply #174 - Nov 2nd, 2015 at 2:16pm
Kiron22 wrote on Nov 2nd, 2015 at 12:30pm:
Honest question, are the right wingers on this forum real people or trolls? I honestly can't tell. Surely nobody can be as insane and divorced from reality as Cods, Maria, Armchair, Aqua etc.

In what ****ing universe do these people live?

oh they're real alright .. you haven't seen the best of it

every single criticism they gave labor while they were in govt, they applauded the libs for when they did exactly the same thing ... it's like being in the twilight zone
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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Re: Tens Of Thousands Angry About Centrelink
Reply #175 - Nov 2nd, 2015 at 5:45pm
Dnarever wrote on Oct 30th, 2015 at 6:58am:
Swagman wrote on Oct 30th, 2015 at 6:55am:
Gee you'd think giving away free money would have 100% customer satisfaction?  Grin

Some people are never satisfied.... Cheesy

A lot of Centrelink staff members act like the money is coming straight out of their pocket.

Well it is isn't it.  Theirs and mine and millions of other peoples.
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“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.”
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Re: Tens Of Thousands Angry About Centrelink
Reply #176 - Nov 2nd, 2015 at 5:48pm
dazza wrote on Nov 2nd, 2015 at 5:45pm:
Dnarever wrote on Oct 30th, 2015 at 6:58am:
Swagman wrote on Oct 30th, 2015 at 6:55am:
Gee you'd think giving away free money would have 100% customer satisfaction?  Grin

Some people are never satisfied.... Cheesy

A lot of Centrelink staff members act like the money is coming straight out of their pocket.

Well it is isn't it.  Theirs and mine and millions of other peoples.

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Re: Tens Of Thousands Angry About Centrelink
Reply #177 - Nov 2nd, 2015 at 5:57pm
Kat wrote on Nov 2nd, 2015 at 5:48pm:
dazza wrote on Nov 2nd, 2015 at 5:45pm:
Dnarever wrote on Oct 30th, 2015 at 6:58am:
Swagman wrote on Oct 30th, 2015 at 6:55am:
Gee you'd think giving away free money would have 100% customer satisfaction?  Grin

Some people are never satisfied.... Cheesy

A lot of Centrelink staff members act like the money is coming straight out of their pocket.

Well it is isn't it.  Theirs and mine and millions of other peoples.


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“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.”
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Re: Tens Of Thousands Angry About Centrelink
Reply #178 - Nov 2nd, 2015 at 5:58pm
“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.”
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“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.”
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John Smith
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Re: Tens Of Thousands Angry About Centrelink
Reply #179 - Nov 2nd, 2015 at 6:00pm
dazza wrote on Nov 2nd, 2015 at 5:58pm:
“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.”

I noticed the capitalists aren't adverse to taking other peoples money either  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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