Panther wrote on May 12 th, 2016 at 1:23pm: ... wrote on May 12 th, 2016 at 1:18pm: Panther wrote on May 12 th, 2016 at 1:05pm: ... wrote on May 11 th, 2016 at 8:02pm: Well, it just might be that in order not to look like a royal coronation, Bernie might have been suckered into running against Shillary, with them fully knowing that he won't be allowed to win in the end, no matter what.
The only way he can get the last laugh against the democrat party (which Bernie isn't a member of JFYI) is if he ran as an Independent....making it a 3-way race, which would siphon off votes from the Wall Street elitist darling Shillary Clinton.
....Unlike elsewhere in the world, joining the two major parties isn’t contingent upon membership fees or an application process. Party leaders also don’t have the power to say someone isn’t a Democrat or a Republican.
So political affiliation in the United States is a matter of self-identification, in both the governing system and the party organizations, experts said. That allows Sanders and other elected officials to be flexible......
.....When asked if he would officially join the party on April 30, 2015, when he announced his candidacy, Sanders said, "No, I am an independent............."
BTW.....don't rule a 3rd party run for Sanders out if the democrat elite feed him the short end of the stick....there's been rumors. No chance. He has clearly stated he'd support hilary over trump, but him running as a 3rd party would guarantee a trump victory. Unless of course, the republican machine also run another candidate, as paul ryan has been threatening to do. So, you think Bernie is somehow beholden to a party he doesn't belong to, & to a candidate who demonizes him, & who espouses policies he denounces? ...... Really?? He's definitely a stooge of some nature. Theres plenty of ammo for him to blast hilary to kingdom come - but hes either to weak to, or its above and beyond his job description. Either explanation makes him unfit for iffice.