Quote:Sorry fellas the government should be above corporations not vise versa.
Absolutely, but try rolling it back now.
The corps have it at the moment till it is bled dry, then they move on. By the time they move on, the politicians of the day have used whatever means possible to nest their eggs.
Is it right in this nation called Australia, where a pensioner has to defer registering a 4 cylinder car because the 51% foreigner of-shore has to appease the shareholders over my electricity bill ? It already has 10% GST.
So let look at the straight numbers
Pension (single ) about 750 PF
Supplement about 120
Total Aprox 900 pf
My rent used to be 25 % of my 750,
BUT, wait on, the SA State Gov ( Foley ) changed the rules
and made it so the 120 supplement paid to me by the Commonwealth is "income".
It also used a formula so it gleans the maximum rent assistance.
So my rent on Gov housing is now 336 pf
900 - 336 = 564 to live on per fortnight.
I don't drink and I do now Vape with the occasional cigar.
Food, bus, expenses and things I call the "dignity house budget"
Where is now the Liberal Government to tell the State Gov,
HANDS OFF THE PENSION SUPPLEMENT !But Foley was a sneaky bugger, he has now retired, I think too many broken noses, cos he hung out at the strippers and got it one night.
So his and many decisions are based around a pint or 2.
Friends, this nation is running on
deluded by alcohol politics.It is time we we spoke out.
I was in the city today, Rundle Mall in fact.
It has lost it's soul, there was no where I could by an apple from the fruit stall, because it has been sqweezed out by Woolworths and the council friends.
Ya see what I am getting at ?
Corp-orates and like minded politicians are bleeding this nation as we speak.