mariacostel wrote on Nov 5
th, 2015 at 3:39pm:
Why do you think they all agree that Jesus existed?
I think you will find that they think a historical character existed, not the Jesus depicted in scripture. This has quite strong paralels to Mormonism in a more modern time, where we know that an actual person existed (Joseph Smith), but not the (to pick an example) magic glasses.
mariacostel wrote on Nov 5
th, 2015 at 3:39pm:
In large measure because they don't reject all the accounts in the Gospels which were eye-witness
I have been over this with you before. The writers of the gospels (anonymous writers that is) make no claims to being eyewitness accounts, with the exception of the gospel of John, who only is given a title, and there is much discussion on who it may refer to. They were not even referred to by their titles until close to the end of the second century!
mariacostel wrote on Nov 5
th, 2015 at 3:39pm:
while you are inserting all your anti-Christian feelings into it.

Just because you are wrong doesn't make me anti-Christian. I value truth like any good Christian should. You on the other hand seem free and willing to spread lies, like the fact there are many eyewitness accounts of Jesus.
Maybe produce one and prove yourself right and shut me up. I'm very happy to be wrong, all I'm asking for is evidence. If you try dodge it again, I guess you just don't have any.