mariacostel wrote on Nov 6
th, 2015 at 9:12am:
Mark's Gospel was apparently written using Peter as the source
You realise then that this means that the author was not an eyewitness yes?
mariacostel wrote on Nov 6
th, 2015 at 9:12am:
Johns Gospel was written by... john the disciple
This is extremely debated, if you had researched this in any way you would know that. The author isn't named in the book, which begs the question, if it WAS John the disciple, why would he not have just said that instead of using the cryptic and nonsensical title "the disciple who Jesus loved". That hardly narrows it down now does it?
mariacostel wrote on Nov 6
th, 2015 at 9:12am:
Luke was writing on behalf of other eye-witnesses and says as much.
Luke was writing on behalf of Paul apparently, who never claimed to have met Jesus. You really don't know your scripture well do you?
mariacostel wrote on Nov 6
th, 2015 at 9:12am:
I defy you to prove the existence of any BC era figure using your methodology.

Now you think Jesus is from the BC era

Still though, Pontius Pilate is mentioned by several contemporary historians, plus there is archaeological evidence of his existence in the form of the Pilate Stone. No contemporary historian mentions Jesus, and there is no archaeological evidence for him.