____ wrote on Nov 6
th, 2015 at 9:31pm:
It works the other way around. It's for the christians to prove their mythology. Until then, it's child abuse.
Of course it is. I was a captive victim of this abuse at boarding school for 7 years. I've thought of suing for compensation through a cousin of mine who is a top barrister in London, but ... I can't be bothered ... and the publicity would turn me into a Reality TV celebrity on the news and Current Affairs programs which I would find 'invasive' of my privacy.

It's a no-brainer that religious neurotics are given free reign under our laws to attempt to brainwash our children through
fear of repercussions from the Divine Being.
Wait until children grow up after having a religion-free education, and then as adults you can then try to persuade them to join your delusional cult about Super Hero sons of God, and virgin births, and Infallible Popes, and 72 choir boys in the Afterlife, etc etc.
And meanwhile .... not boasting, but ...
linkIf the Pope in the photo straightened his elbow ... that's what the Catholic church is really all about. Power over the peasants from the top-down.