OPPOSITION leader Bill Shorten hopes to tackle climate change by taking a 16,000km flying tour through the Pacific Islands on a private jet.
Mr Shorten flew into Papua New Guinea on a private plane owned by multi-millionaire entrepreneur and climate change activist Harold Mitchell on Sunday, with deputy Labor leader Tanya Plibersek and immigration spokesman Richard Marles in tow.
The trio met PNG Prime Minister Peter O’Neill to chat asylum policy and global warming. They landed in the Marshall Islands last night and will fly to the Republic of Kiribati tonight, before jetting back to Australia tomorrow. All up the, trip will cover about 16,400km.
“We are hoping that Australia will take a leadership role in stating our position to the global community,” Mr Shorten said.
“The Pacific Islands are at the front line of the harmful consequences of climate change. Rising water levels mean these people lose their food security.’’
Mr Shorten’s office defend the tour when asked if it was appropriate to create such a large carbon footprint, saying it was an “opportunity to see first-hand the impact of climate change on our Pacific neighbours.”
“Unlike members of the government who regard rising sea levels as a joke, Labor understands the challenges affecting Pacific nations,” a spokesman said.