Grappler Deep State Feller
Gold Member
Australian Politics
Posts: 85090
Always was always will be HOME
Many people, Grasshopper, can believe a thing true or false, when only told so by another. It is for you to determine what is real and what is not, but always remain aware that the truth of one is not necessarily the truth of another.....
Friends, it hurts the old Duke of Brisbane Town hisself, yer old friend Billy Jack, the BJ Supremo, to hear them purveyors of past memories staking a claim to the right to stake a stake in the heart of a good ol' god-fearin' boy there. Them people what have them memory lapses for forty years.. well.. what can you say, friends? Well - they wasn't there for forty years, and now they is - but I'd have to say they just isn't there aye tall! Now if'n our old frien' Longy were here, god bless his little britches, he'd tell us simple folk that was dang nigh impossible.. an' mathematically, too!
This kinda thing jest makes ol' BJ sick, friends, to see them fine folk gettin' shafted by them leeching gold hunters.
Ah's jest jokin' friends - ah ain't no Billy Jack - he's a thousan' miles off, that boy.