My intuition is that climate change is real.
My intuition is that there is nothing that can be done at a political level.
My intuition is that we just need to prepare to live in a "changed" planet.
Not a problem,
as a student of self development, change is seen as a goal to strive for, chaos is to be embraced.
There will be winners and losers.
just understand that reality and prepare for it like a good boy scout .
Dont make a little cry baby movie about it getting hotter and drier, put in the effort to adapt.
The default position of every species that doesnt adapt is failure.
If any country should welcome climate change it is australia as we have so many natural resources.
Chinese students visiting my place couldnt believe i have a river you can see the bottom of and drink the water out of.
Truly a blessing and with climate change , it will only become more valuable.
we can become the food bowl of a barren wasteland in asia and europe and be like the saudis with our rich resources of unspoilt water and land.
Bring it on
A planet whose food supply can support a few Billion less people will be no fun for those people who do not survive.