The reason people vote Liberal is largely because they've been trained that the Liberals are the "Default, stable" Government of Australia and Labor is the "Challenger, Chaotic" Government. All political narrative in Australian media really boils down to this. Labor have to PROVE they deserve Government beyond a doubt, or people will just hand it to the Liberals for no other reason than "Its stable".
Its why Labor are flogged so much harder in the media than the Liberals. Lets be honest here, it was getting to the point when Gillard was in Government where elements of the mainstream media were calling for her assassination and overthrow, but what in **** did Gillard do what was so bad? 1 misquoted carbon tax "lie"? Wow, I remember entire political forums and meetings just being filled with idiots going "Why did you lie, Juliar? Why did you lie?" In fact, at one point I was actually going to meet Julia Gillard to debate Australian drug policy during the last rounds of widespread drug debate in the media, but literally I was drowned out by "Juliar, carbon tax lie" idiots that took up all the time and thus she wasn't able to discuss with me issues around our drug policy (which I had actually spent months talking to doctors, scientists and journalists about researching for).
So Julia Gillard, one of the single most successful Prime Ministers in our country had calls for her murder from politicians and media, while Abbott got lets be honest "Oh Abbott, hes kind of stupid, oh well". WHAT THE ****?!? Imagine if Gillard did 10% of the stupid of Abbott and co? She would be 6 ft under right now. Look at the media blackout on NBN, 50 billion+ down the drain and not a single ABC report on it for over 2 years, they didn't even allow NBN questions on QandA to Turnbull. Get that!? The largest infrastructure project and disaster in Australian history, and ABC didn't allow questions on NBN, in fact when criticized, ABC wrote in an official letter that "the debate is settled on MTM being the superior technology" I s*** you not, in an official ABC letter.
Everyone with a brain knows that Labor has far superior policy to Liberals (what policy do the Liberals have that isn't utter s*** really?) but because Shorten isn't a literal paragon of just holiness, there is no way Labor can win the election because of the absolutely insane standards they are held too.