Phemanderac wrote on Nov 5
th, 2015 at 6:20am:
Lionel Edriess wrote on Nov 4
th, 2015 at 8:27pm:
One remembers the old maxim: Two wongs don't make a white.
While a lamentable viewpoint in this day and age, it's always worth remembering that nowadays it's the minority view that attracts the media blowflies - the majority have no right to special consideration. The majority are merely the cash-crop to be milked for the benefit of the minority.
Referendums in this country are not run because they would reflect the majority opinion, and therefore could influence legislation. Better to say that referendums are too expensive and are not inclusive of all viewpoints.
My question is:
Who influences Governmental policy?
The silent, though divided, majority - or the organised vocal minorities?
Who really runs 'democratic' societies in today's Western nations?
The representatives and therein lieth the problem with so called representative democracy.
'Representatives' - my arse.
The first thing the Party Whip tells newcomers to parliament is to dump their romantic notions at the door and get it firmly in their heads that they are henceforth committed to doing nothing more than follow
the party line.
No mavericks.
Just "shut up!" and do as they are told by the
Inner Circle - and people like Peta Credlin. It's
not a democracy where loose cannons can please themselves in parliament.
When David Oldfield finished his political career in the NSW Legislative Council (1999 - 2007) he spilled the beans on his radio TalkBack show that the vast majority of politicians he met were in politics to represent nobody else but themselves and their own private agendas.
And then lobbyists with cheque-books and great influence amongst the ethnic communities even have their own permanent offices down there in Canberra.
Policy is decided by a handful of people at the top of the political heap, with the Will of the People being regarded by them as a contemptuous joke.
As Rudd famously put it in front of the TV cameras -
"I'm not here to follow 'public opinion' - I'm here to give leadership!", He said angrily.