Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Nov 5
th, 2015 at 12:04pm:
I would think not - a proper balance of socialism and capitalism has worked reasonably well - well, sometimes - in Australia, so with the proper fine tuning it might well work.
Total control over every part of the economy, resources, industry etc by the State is extreme, and never works in reality. On the other hand unconstrained and uncontrolled capitalism has never worked, either.
It's a balance, and that balance is currently way out of whack due to poor management by successive governments addicted to their ideologies.
As I've said before, under the 'socialist' concept so abhorred by the 'right' these days, of an Awards system etc - BOTH sides knew within reason what costs and profits could be generated, and thus both could manage for prosperity more easily than under the current hodge-podge of agreements that actually, in most cases, cost more than paying award rates.
You can't seriously tell me that an electricity supplier paying a contractor $90 to read one meter is a cost saving measure - when it used to cost around $20 for an employee to do it. When Telstra 'out-sourced' line work etc, the guy who set up the phone here said he was doing less work for more money, after being laid off as an employee and reinstated as a contractor.
As someone said - sometimes you need to do a System Restore......
That's it Grappler, a balanced system, what we used to call a mixed economy I think.
As to whether the system is currently "out of whack", that's a variable circumstance.
Take the Awards system, it's arguable that that is "out of whack" in terms of being too inflexible in the current & future global economy. It was fine 30 years ago.
But basically I agree with you.