Postmodern Trendoid III wrote on Nov 5
th, 2015 at 6:42pm:
lol. So much so that they've killed millions to prove it.
Because Capitalists are such loving angels. Reminder that more people die in a single decade from famine in Capitalist countries than died in the entirety of "Socialist" countries.
Also a bit rich calling Stalin and his puppets Socialists, when they actively rewinded every social gain of the revolution, restored the Orthodox church and implemented harsh social conservatism.
Actually funny that you right wingers hate Stalin at all, seems right up your alley! complete disregard for human rights, massive social conservative that hated gays and Muslims.
Funny when real Socialists turn up, Capitalists always find a way to point guns and massacre them.
You should read George Orwells Homage to Catalonia, presents a completely different perspective of what real Socialism is and the brave, loving real Socialists that tried to make freedom a reality, then were gunned down by Capitalists, Stalinists and embargoed by the west. Men, Women, Children, all mass murdered. Its a story that sadly repeats all over the world. The death count of the CIA alone must be in the tens of millions easily.