survey shows more Aussies are cool on warming
IT’S a miracle. Most Australians are now global warming sceptics, despite years of being misled by the media.
A CSIRO survey of more than 5000 people has confirmed it, even though warmist reporters tried to spin it.
For the first time since Al Gore’s 2006 film An Inconvenient Truth claimed man was heating the world to disaster, Australians who believe this scare are outnumbered by those who don’t. True, a worrying 45.9 per cent of Australians do still think man is mostly to blame for what warming we’ve seen over the past several decades.
But those believers are now outnumbered by people who think this warming is natural (38.6 per cent) or not occurring at all (7.9 per cent) — which means sceptics total 46.5 per cent. The rest don’t know.
In fact, even 19 per cent of Greens voters are sceptics. Yes, the shift is that huge.
What a tribute to the good sense of Australians.
For nearly a decade, reporters claimed the vast majority of you believed man really was heating the world dangerously. And the media campaigned furiously to make sure you did.
You were bombarded with propaganda. Your doubts were mocked. You were told that the world’s temperature was soaring, when there’s actually been no significant warming of the atmosphere for some 18 years.
You were told we were getting more and worse cyclones, when the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s latest report in fact admits neither seems true and, if anything, we’re getting fewer.You were told by Professor Tim Flannery in 2007 that warming could dry out the dams of Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide within a couple of years because “even the rain that falls isn’t actually going to fill our dams and our river systems”. Except it did, repeatedly, to the point of flooding. You were told by the ABC’s chief science presenter, Robyn Williams,
the seas could rise up to 100 metres this century, thanks to a dramatic melting of the Antarctic — which NASA last week conceded was instead increasing in ice mass.
You were told by the UN that the world’s food crops would fail, when they’ve instead set new records.You were told to beware of giant hailstones (Professor Ross Garnaut), dengue fever (Professor Tony McMichael), tsunamis (World Vision boss Tim Costello), killer heatwaves (Professor Peter Doherty), seas as high as “an eight-storey building” (Flannery), a “permanent drought” (Greens leader Bob Brown) and a dead Great Barrier Reef by 2050 (Professor Ove Hoegh-Gulberg).
Your politicians, with rare exceptions, failed you. They should have challenged this disgraceful alarmism. Instead, they exploited it and even forced you to pay billions for fake schemes and taxes to “stop” a warming that actually halted or dramatically slowed nearly two decades ago.
Yet this miracle has occurred. You’ve kept your heads when so many journalists tried so hard to make you panic.
In fact, they’re still at it, even with this report, which the warmist
CSIRO quietly slipped out among the distractions of Melbourne Cup day.
None of the media reports pointed out the central finding: that believers in man-made global warming are now in a minority in Australia.
Instead, they tried to bury it with spin. Typically, the ABC was worst, actually giving the impression that global warming faith was as strong as ever. “Research by the CSIRO has found more than three quarters of Australians agree climate change is happening,” it burbled, “with divisions emerging along political lines”. Excuse me, but this debate has never been about whether “climate change is real”.
Of course, it’s real. The climate always changes. The real debate is what caused what warming we’ve seen — and whether more warming is bad and worth trying to stop.
The Sydney Morning Herald and Age were little better, spinning the CSIRO’s results into a story of how Coalition voters were numbskulls — the holdouts refusing to “accept” the truth: “Barely one in four Coalition voters accepts climate change is mostly caused by humans,” its tut-tutting report began.
It even added the hope, expressed by an alarmist scientist, that new Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull could save the Liberals from this error: “Many Coalition voters will take their cue from the PM and shift their views.”
Don’t count on it, champ. He tried to shift the views of Coalition supporters the last time he was Liberal leader and it cost him his job.
Face facts: the public smells the warmist bull and is finally crying: “Enough!” The time for truth is now.