schools issued with non-compliance notices
Friday 13 November 2015 (the day when Islam 'enriched' the culture of Paris)
The operators of six non-government schools have been issued with notifications of not complying with financial management and governance requirements of the Australian Education Act 2013.
Minister for Education Simon Birmingham said the formal notifications followed the Department of Education and Training’s review that had identified concerns over the governance, financial and accountability arrangements of the schools.
Senator Birmingham said the six schools,
affiliated with the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC), were: the Islamic College of Brisbane (QLD); the Islamic College of Melbourne (VIC); the Islamic College of South Australia (SA); the Islamic School of Canberra (ACT); Langford Islamic College (WA); Malek Fahd Islamic School (NSW).'s all about culturally enriching the diversity of attitudes to "governance, financial and accountability arrangements ", eh. Bring me your poor, huddled, corrupt and greedy masses.
I cannot think of a single third world cultural practice that has been an improvement on the Western, Britannic inheritance that made Australia. There is certainly nothing that the sons of Mohammed bring as an improvement.