polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 5
th, 2015 at 3:08pm:
Soren wrote on Dec 5
th, 2015 at 2:21pm:
Advocating?? It's already on, Gandy, regardless of what I say.
The West's Muslim population has been attacking their own countries and their fellow citizens: the London bombers were UK-born as were Drummer Rigby's killers. The Paris shooters were mostly French-born. The San Bernardino guy was US-born, as was the Fort Hood shooter. The Youtube headhacker, Jihad John (real name Mohammed Emwazi, surprise, surprise) was UK born and so he beheaded, among others, his fellow Britons David Haines and Alan Henning.
In Joan Rivers's immortal words, the Muslims, "they have started it" already.
but I was more interested in
I know. You want to deflect from your initial and ongoing aggression.
But you Muslims started it. You coulda kept your d!cks in your trousers and in Arabia in the 7th century but you went forth massively disrespecting other people.
And you have been doing the same ever since.
There hasn't been enough backlash over the last 1400 years if you ask me. You guys have been f Vcking everyone around, as invaders, pirates, slave traders, general underminers. If anything, you haven't been suppressed enough.
There should be MORE backlash in response to Muslim aggression against the West. You get off too easily - you can even play the bloody victim after you have killed innocents.
Yes, you. You and your 'vast majority' could have stopped your fellow Muslims, your fellow jihadists but you haven't, coz 'it's nuffin' to do wiv you" which is a lie.
YOU could stop Muslim terrorism but you don't. Your name is mud, Muslims. You play both sides of the street like it's a f Vcking carpet emporium. Why aren't you trusted???????