Karnal wrote on Nov 13
th, 2015 at 12:25pm:
The US lost its wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Herbie. It did so precisely because it didn’t walk on eggshells.
The enemy hid among the civilians with the result that the US soldiers had to go door-to-door sifting out the wheat from the chaff at great risk to themselves from snipers, remote-controlled bombs, and booby-traps ... instead of targetting known insurgent neighbourhoods with saturation bombing or cannon-fire as is
normal in combat situations.
Easily half the American ground troops who died were lost to this politically correct version of warfare.
They had to tippy-toe around so as not to upset the luvvies at home, and the West's majority Leftwing press, and a US election was looming.
Do your reading.
Karnal wrote on Nov 13
th, 2015 at 12:25pm:
The photos of Abu Graib and the helicopter shooting of a journalist, a child, and the passers-by who went in to help ...
... were a
bonanza for the West's traitorous Leftwing media which did everything it could to propagandise against the Coalition of the Willing.
The media went on and on and on about the 'panties on the head' soap opera - but didn't
once think to mention that prior to the US invasion, Abo Grab was a series of horror chambers in which every kind of torture and sadistic brutality had been carried out for
years under Saddam Hussein.
Not a word ... and yet
weeks of indoctrinating the viewing audiences at home as to what a monster the US must be for humiliating a few suspected Iraqi henchmen of Saddam Hussein with 'panties-on-the-head', and a dog-leash incident.
The whole idea of Abo Grab
was to reduce the self-esteem and confidence of these suspects so that they would talk and give away vital information.
That's part of the tools of war.
Karnal wrote on Nov 13
th, 2015 at 12:25pm:
All it did in Afghanistan was prop up a corrupt president and hold back the inevitable rise of the Taliban.
Australians have been on the ground in Afghanistan for a staggering 13 years now ... with the Taliban just as strong as ever, hiding in the hills that border Pakistan.
Karnal wrote on Nov 13
th, 2015 at 12:25pm:
Putin is in Syria to protect Russian gas and snub his nose at the West. He’s defending a totalitarian regime who’s days are numbered. Putin is not in Syria to defeat ISIS.
What better reason is there for Putin to be in Syria than to protect Russia's gas interests?
And we all owe him a debt of thanks for going into Syria to help keep the dictatorship safe and viable for the future. Stability in the region depends upon Police State dictatorships - not democracy.
The Arab/Islamic mentality cannot deal with the concept and practice of democracy, and this is because this incurs the loss-of-face and humiliation that comes with losing national elections.