Maqqa wrote on Nov 8
th, 2015 at 5:55pm:
Here's the secret to smash the Green's argument
Ask them for 2 things
(1) A list top 10 carbon emitting sources on Earth
(2) In percentage terms where do humans rank on the list
Here are the facts
(1) There climate scientists cannot produce this list
(2) Every time you ask the Greens for a list - the only answer they can give you is call you a climate change denier
You are starting off on the wrong spot.
If the point you are trying to make was a race, you would be taking off in the opposite direction, on the wrong track.
Total turnover from natural sources is 720GT per year. But that is in balance between the oceans, normal plant and animal activity, the atmosphere, and soil. That is a natural cycle that has been in balances for eons. For instance, a change of 100ppm takes 5,000 to 20,000 years according to scientists who study it. This current increase of 100ppm has taken just 120 years!
We put in 29GT every year. But because it stays up in the atmos for years and years, it is accumulative. Bit by bit. And never going down.
Hope this helps.