Maqqa wrote on Nov 10
th, 2015 at 9:58pm: disturbing video shows a furious assault on a train passenger at Redfern on New Years Eve after an argument.
The offender got off with a good behaviour bond.
Victim advocate groups say it's part of an alarming trend claiming magistrates are finding reasons to look the other way.
The offender,
Luke Santos, is caught on CCTV choking Blake Colbran after being insulted.He then unleashes a barrage of blows all aimed at the head, 11 punches in total before Santos' friend drags him away, incredibly the victim is still standing.
freemasonic magistrates let other freemasons off ,
its in their oath . wink, a nod, or a shake of the hand: on the Masons
Stuart Christie
The point of a club is not who it lets in, but who it keeps out. The club is based on two ancient British ideas the segregation of classes, and the segregation of sexes: and they even remain insistent on keeping people out, long after they have stopped wanting to come in.
— Anthony Sampson, Anatomy of Britain
If secrecy is to be considered a factor in British politics and commerce then without doubt Freemasonry is one of its principal vehicles. Freemasonry is the largest semi-covert organisation of the western bourgeoisie, with over six million members worldwide sharing a vision of a unified world order bound together through a series of interlocking Masonic alliances. Among the worlds most influential institutions must be the United Grand Lodge of England, the mother lodge of Craft Freemasonry, with its headquarters at Freemasons Hall in Great Queen Street near Covent Garden. It is here that the wealthy and influential members of the British Establishment meet in conditions of ritual secrecy, ostensibly to listen to lectures on Masonic history and to discuss charitable and. other Masonic business. In practice, the Masonic brotherhood constitutes a clandestine network for the defence of the status quo and established privilege, a mutual-aid society for the British ruling class.
Of course just as a mutual-aid society for gaolers will be different in aims and functions from a mutual-aid society for prisoners (one providing clubs and the other hacksaws), so the mutual-aid society of societys privileged power elite will be different from the mutual-aid societies which provide assistance among those whose continued deprivation of the good things in life is the essential condition for the preservation of the privileges of the few.
Since the benefits of privilege as opposed to its outward trappings are necessarily largely hidden, so the efforts, the necessarily combined efforts, of those who would defend their privilege are also hidden; that is to say, they are more than discreet, being secret and even conspiratorial. Indeed we should not really be surprised to find the US historian Carl Oglesby writing in his book The Yankee and Cowboy War :
Clandestinism is not the usage of a handful of rogues, it is a formalised practice of an entire class in which a thousand hands spontaneously join. Conspiracy is the normal continuation of normal politics by normal means.
Freemasonry is one of principal structures that allow the joining of the hands to be a little more than wholly spontaneous.
What Is Freemasonry?
Freemasonry is a particularly British creation which first emerged in the early seventeenth century. Essentially, it consists of three degrees or grades: Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft Mason and Master Mason. The central theme of all Masonic ritual is the building of Solomons temple and the soap opera incidents surrounding its construction such as the murder of the principal architect Hiram Abiff and the continuing search for the secret of the lost Keystone. The sinister daftness of it all illustrates the essential madness and badness of power elites as well as providing a diversionary spectacle for the curious outsider.
In addition to the three Craft degrees of Freemasonry, which are open to all males who profess a belief in an Almighty Being including Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Roman Catholics (1), etc. there are additional side or Higher degrees such as the Knights Templar (no relation to the original Middle East Task Force) and the Ancient and Accepted (Scottish) Rite 33º, who despite the word Scottish are exclusively White, Anglo-Saxon and Protestant. These side degrees are higher only in the numerical sense, ostensibly, as the Grand Lodge of England practises Freemasonry only within the three Craft degrees and does not admit the existence of any superior Masonic authority. The side degrees are conferred by patronage only on a specially approved and strictly limited number of candidates totalling at most a few hundred brothers, all drawn exclusively from the intimate friendship circles of the British ruling class.
The top three degrees of 33º Freemasonry are themselves conferred only after a unanimous vote of approval by the Supreme Council 33 of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry, which itself is recruited, incestuously, from among the Grand Officers or Past Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of England. The headquarters of this inner Masonic organisation is the Grand Temple of the Rose Croix