FGM is performed by Muslims, Christians, and animists in 28 countries in Africa, a few in the Middle East, as well as some immigrant communities in North America, Europe and Australia. According to the WHO, nearly half of FGM cases occur in Egypt and Ethiopia.
There are many historical references to FGM that predate Christianity and Islam, including by Herodetus, the 5th-century B.C. historian. FGM was also practiced in 19th-century America and Europe because it was thought to cure insanity, masturbation, and libido.
Female circumcision is not mentioned in any of the holy books of the three Abrahamic faiths. But one disputed hadith, or story about Islam's Prophet Muhammad, seems to condone, or at least not object to, a cutting of the clitoris. That hadith is cited by Hatem al-Haj of the Assembly of Muslim Jurists in America, a conservative organization, in a 2010 opinion that condoned a type of FGM that involves the cutting or nicking of the clitoral hood.
At the same time, he also advised Muslims in the West against the procedure.
"For Muslims who live in the West, since it is not mandatory and it is at the same time illegal in the West, and would bring about harm to the people who practice it, I wouldn't advise having it done," al-Haj wrote.
Many Muslim scholars, however, say the authenticity of this hadith is suspect, and say it should be rejected. A growing number of Islamic scholars have condemned the practice. In Egypt, where both Muslim and Coptic Christian communities perform FGM, the country's highest Muslim leaders issued fatwas against the practice in 2007 and 2010.
According to a 2011 United Nations report, 61 Islamic scholars from 10 African countries also issued a fatwa against FGM. The same report said more than 4,100 religious leaders have taught followers that FGM is not sanctioned by Islam, while nearly 1,000 religious edicts called on Muslims to abandon the practice.
"The role of religious leaders is extremely important," said Eyega, who was born in southern Sudan. "It's important to get them involved."
Imam Mohamed Magid, the president of the Islamic Society of North America, agreed.
"Having the imam on board to address this issue is very crucial," Magid told a State Department audience last February to mark an International Day of Zero Tolerance for the practice. "We would like to have an imam coalition, Imams Against FGC, and it will be a movement across the Muslim world to have the imams say we will not accept this practice."