Soren wrote on Nov 13
th, 2015 at 7:13pm:
mothra wrote on Nov 12
th, 2015 at 5:34pm:
would you care to reflect on what i meant the word education to mean in this context and how it would be beneficial in preventing harm to at least some degree initially, then more over time.
Are you suggesting that we don't educate people that female genital mutilation is not the done thing in Australia?
I am suggesting that you are
1. Not thinking
2. You have only glib answers ("education is the key") because of the above.
Muslims are Muslims because they believe, accept and act out what their religion and belief system tells them to think, believe and act out.
Regardless of their level of education.
Your idiotically shallow reference to education would make sense ONLY if education actually meant the discarding of primitive and backward Muslim beliefs.
But that is not what you mean or can even imagine. You say what you do because you do not think. You certainly do not mean that Islam, a backward and regressive belief system, could or should be educated OUT OF Muslims. You think Muslims could be made to be Muslims AND progressives if only they imbibed the crap you have well and truly made your personal system of orientation in the world.
But it's not going to happen. Muslims are convinced about something you cannot even begin to imagine. And they are not going to give that away for your wishy-washy, spineless, self-contradictory load of 'progressive' (ie regressive) bollox.
You still fail to understand what i mean by education in this instance.
I mean that people must be educated about female genital mutilation. I'm not talking about their educational qualifications.
Now as to the rest of your rant, why do you think it is that most Muslims don't practice genital mutilation? Do you think that is important to the discussion? You seem to be intent on representing all Muslims as backward. Do you think that it makes those who do not practise genital mutilation 'progressives'? The connection between progressives and educating people about the consequences of female genital mutilation being important to you all.
Don't you think we could use some of those Muslims who don't interpret the Qu'ran as instructing that barbarous practice to be completely abolished to educate their less enlightened fellows?
Don't you see this as being a practical solution Soren?
How else do you think the practice has become less wide-spread over time?
Islam is about Submission, not Progress.
The Islamic State demonstrates that with Islam, regression is done in the blink of an eye because there is no substance or recognised law or authority that has taken Islam beyond where it was when Mohammed died in the 7th century. There is no Church, no canon law, no bishops' conference -there is NO moving on from Mohammed in the 7th century. Nobody has the authority to move Islam out of the 7th century. That is the stupendous achievement of Mohammed the Meshuggeh.
Your blabbering about education is a wholly un-Islamic take on things. You are stupid enough (9/10 enough) to imagine that your values are universal. Muslims do not think like you. Whatever you belief are, people with any other belief system do not think like you. Can you imagine that? And if you can, do you want to accommodate every other alternative belief system? Where do you draw the line?