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electric trucks (Read 2903 times)
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Re: electric trucks
Reply #15 - Nov 14th, 2015 at 9:23am
Rider wrote on Nov 14th, 2015 at 12:00am:
Chimp_Logic wrote on Nov 13th, 2015 at 11:22pm:
Rider wrote on Nov 13th, 2015 at 6:32pm:
It's a joke right?

27 million euros spent to do what a diesel truck can do on  15 litres of fuel worth 20 bucks. Off to the sheltered workshop for you sonny.

Currently the fossil fuel sectors around the world receive about 480 Billion dollars, almost half a trillion dollars every year, of tax payer funded rebates and subsidies.

Why does this industry require welfare to survive Rider? Why isnt this industry rectifying the damage that it does?

Render your written apology and then implement a self ban for 48 hours you deranged putrid foul stenching rodent vomit patch...

Quoting fraudulent garbage again monkey...pathetic snake oil to fuel the mindless dross. You'd be better served picking your bum monkey.

The fossil fuel rebates and subsidies in Australia alone are in the vicinity of 12 billion dollars per year. (my global 480 billion figure was actually very generous to the corrupt Fossil Fuel corporate scamsters - it appears that they have been gouging the public purse to the tune of almost 600 billion in some years - the MASTERS OF CORPORATE WELFARE)

Look Rider.....LOOK at how pathetic you have become


Apologise and self ban

or do you dispute OECD statistics?
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« Last Edit: Nov 14th, 2015 at 9:29am by Chimp_Logic »  

Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
Dr Sircus cures cancer with Baking Soda and Magnesium - Jethro the MENTAL GIANT & his flute madness
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Re: electric trucks
Reply #16 - Nov 14th, 2015 at 10:37am
Rider Runs Away

Exposed, morally battered and rendered a shell of his former deceitful self, Rider scurried away like frothing putrid stench weasel....and hides with his smelly tail between his legs.

Rider can only fling his lunatical remarks and cowardly hide like a trench maggot

Yes ladies and gentlemen, Rider - the Great Rider once again exposed in public

His apology is overdue - his self banishment in arrears

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Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
Dr Sircus cures cancer with Baking Soda and Magnesium - Jethro the MENTAL GIANT & his flute madness
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Re: electric trucks
Reply #17 - Nov 14th, 2015 at 12:07pm
Chimp_Logic wrote on Nov 14th, 2015 at 9:23am:
The fossil fuel rebates and subsidies in Australia alone are in the vicinity of [url]12 billion dollars per year[/url]. (my global 480 billion figure was actually very generous to the corrupt Fossil Fuel corporate scamsters - it appears that they have been gouging the public purse to the tune of almost 600 billion in some years - the MASTERS OF CORPORATE WELFARE)

According to a report the other day $7 billion, but what's a miserable $5 billion between friends? Wink

Then again that is made up mainly of -

Capital investment allowances that are available to all businesses; and

Fuel Tax Credits, which reduce the amount paid for fuel by way of re-imbursement. But FTC's are assessable income to the businesses receiving them, so that they pay tax on the income received. The net effect is that full price is paid for fuel.

That's some weird arsed subsidy, isn't it? A Clayton's subsidy?

Edit: Do you think renewables get Capital Allowances?

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Re: electric trucks
Reply #18 - Nov 14th, 2015 at 3:55pm
Sad fraud  monkey. Be careful frothing at the mouth over this someone will mistake it for rabies and head shoot you lol
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Re: electric trucks
Reply #19 - Nov 14th, 2015 at 8:13pm
Lee and Rider cant handle the truth about their corporate welfare scamsters ladies and gentlemen.

Dual apologies are warranted in this instance, followed by an immediate joint self banishment for 48 hours.


the OECD figures are not related to standard tax right offs due to capital expenditure ladies and gentlemen. Every corporation has access to these accounting benefits at tax return time. These are DIRECT rebates and subsidies that the fossil fuel industry receives globally - part of the non-level playing field and strong fossil fuel lobby groups. And these OECD figures do not include the numerous WARS that are fought over oil and resources - WARS paid by the tax payer - AGAIN

Lee and Rider jointly exposed as haters of the worlds future generations of children ladies and gentlemen

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Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
Dr Sircus cures cancer with Baking Soda and Magnesium - Jethro the MENTAL GIANT & his flute madness
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Re: electric trucks
Reply #20 - Nov 14th, 2015 at 9:06pm
'Under the ASCM:
A subsidy shall be deemed to exist if:
(a)(1) there is a financial contribution by a government or any public body
within the territory of a Member (referred to in this Agreement as
“government”), i.e. where:
(i) a government practice involves a direct transfer of funds (e.g.
grants, loans, and equity infusion), potential direct transfers of
funds or liabilities (e.g. loan guarantees);
(ii) government revenue that is otherwise due is foregone or not
collected (e.g. fiscal incentives such as tax credits);

(iii) a government provides goods or services other than general
infrastructure, or purchases goods;
(iv) a government makes payments to a funding mechanism, or
entrusts or directs a private body to carry out one or more of the
type of functions illustrated in (i) to (iii) above which would
normally be vested in the government and the practice, in no real
sense, differs from practices normally followed by governments;'

Fuel tax credits and capital allowances that forego taxes.
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Re: electric trucks
Reply #21 - Nov 14th, 2015 at 9:37pm
lee suddenly refers to regulations and definitions doesnt he ladies and gentlemen.

except when it comes to AGW - then its pure hatred for children and a clean environment.

There is no limit to the amount of deranged hatred this man can spew out online.

What dont you understand about the OECD figures lee?

lee has a habit of NOT understanding basic concepts that conflict with his lunatical political ideology and corporatised fanaticism.

I fear that lee will never be able to search deep within himself and deliver the apology, albeit late, and then to banish himself for at least 48 hours - preferably 48 months.
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Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
Dr Sircus cures cancer with Baking Soda and Magnesium - Jethro the MENTAL GIANT & his flute madness
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Re: electric trucks
Reply #22 - Nov 14th, 2015 at 9:59pm
Chimp_Logic wrote on Nov 14th, 2015 at 9:37pm:
lee suddenly refers to regulations and definitions doesnt he ladies and gentlemen.

Isn't it amazing how data and facts trump BS?
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Re: electric trucks
Reply #23 - Nov 15th, 2015 at 1:13am
In 100 years time electric vehicles will be zipping around everywhere, ( providing that the muslims don't take over and reintroduce Camel travel of course )  Grin , the real problem is that the idiot environmentalists of today are trying to bring this date forward so that they can bask in its glory, its never going to happen you green vegan farkwits! because there is still cheap fossil fuels galore, so get a grip and go and sign yourself up for cryogenics so that you can be defrosted in 2100 and live the green dream.  Grin
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MediocrityNET: because
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Re: electric trucks
Reply #24 - Nov 15th, 2015 at 3:41pm
innocentbystander. wrote on Nov 15th, 2015 at 1:13am:
In 100 years time electric vehicles will be zipping around everywhere, ( providing that the muslims don't take over and reintroduce Camel travel of course )  Grin , the real problem is that the idiot environmentalists of today are trying to bring this date forward so that they can bask in its glory, its never going to happen you green vegan farkwits! because there is still cheap fossil fuels galore, so get a grip and go and sign yourself up for cryogenics so that you can be defrosted in 2100 and live the green dream.  Grin

innocent thinks he has the right to take all of humanitys fossil fuels for paper profits for his dynastic wet dreams now...   Cheesy Cheesy

Isn't that right innocent: your family thinks they own eternal rights to all fossil fuel profits??  Wink Wink

No wonder there is Jihad... let us all blame innocent for worldwide Jihad  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
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*Sure....they're anti competitive as any subsidised job is.  It wouldn't be there without the tax payer.  Very damned difficult for a brainwashed collectivist to understand that I know....  (swaggy) *
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Jovial Monk
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Re: electric trucks
Reply #25 - Nov 16th, 2015 at 9:11am
Once the world economy ticks up a bit all those Chinese and Indians who want cars will buy them. In the light of this demand reserves will be consumed in record time.

It makes sense to investigate electric transport. It makes sense for us to build at least one good sized modern nuclear powered generator. Baseload solar is a sad joke.
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Get the vaxx! 💉💉

If you don’t like abortions ignore them like you do school shootings.
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MediocrityNET: because
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Re: electric trucks
Reply #26 - Nov 16th, 2015 at 3:34pm
Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 16th, 2015 at 9:11am:
Once the world economy ticks up a bit all those Chinese and Indians who want cars will buy them. In the light of this demand reserves will be consumed in record time.

It makes sense to investigate electric transport. It makes sense for us to build at least one good sized modern nuclear powered generator. Baseload solar is a sad joke.

Nuclear is for nuclear weapons: solar is not a joke because electrons are electrons!

Do you suppose we to go to the moon for theoretical moon rock and do the fusion dance ?... get over it: solar power can be stored and the idea of baseload power is a misnomer.

Methodical thinking involves definitions and I dare you to define 'baseload power'!

('re not saying Australia should store the worlds nuclear waste btw are you?)
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*Sure....they're anti competitive as any subsidised job is.  It wouldn't be there without the tax payer.  Very damned difficult for a brainwashed collectivist to understand that I know....  (swaggy) *
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Re: electric trucks
Reply #27 - Nov 16th, 2015 at 5:05pm
Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 16th, 2015 at 9:11am:
Once the world economy ticks up a bit all those Chinese and Indians who want cars will buy them. In the light of this demand reserves will be consumed in record time.

It makes sense to investigate electric transport. It makes sense for us to build at least one good sized modern nuclear powered generator. Baseload solar is a sad joke.

Japan had about 52 nuclear power plants until the Fukushima meltdowns in March of 2011. The nuclear power stations provided about 30% of Japans total Grid power demands.

Since 2011 Japan has put all 52 nuclear power stations offline. It was only in the last couple fo months that the Japanese brought one or two nuclear power plants online.

have you looked at the disaster caused by the buggerushima meltdowns? They dont even know how to clean the mess up. Costs could be in the vicinity of 400 Billion dollars over the next 40 years just to contain it - and they havent been able to contain it so far - 4 years plus since the disaster.

A recent medical study by Japanese researchers has found that Childhood Thyroid tumors and abnormalities have soared by as much as 2500%

Obviously you wouldnt mind a nuclear power station next door to you hey???

Educate yourself, Apologise in writing and self ban for 48 hours

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Mini Ice Age (2014-2029)
Dr Sircus cures cancer with Baking Soda and Magnesium - Jethro the MENTAL GIANT & his flute madness
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Jovial Monk
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Re: electric trucks
Reply #28 - Nov 16th, 2015 at 9:11pm
I am not proposing we buy Gen 1 plants and put them on a faultline yards from the sea.

Please, a modern plant is safer than the old Fukushima Gen1 plants. We need nuclear for power for industry and other uses.
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Get the vaxx! 💉💉

If you don’t like abortions ignore them like you do school shootings.
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John Smith
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Re: electric trucks
Reply #29 - Nov 16th, 2015 at 11:05pm
Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 16th, 2015 at 9:11pm:
a modern plant is safer than the old Fukushima Gen1 plant

safer does not equal SAFE
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Our esteemed leader:
I hope that bitch who was running their brothels for them gets raped with a cactus.
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