polite_gandalf wrote on Nov 14
th, 2015 at 2:02pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Nov 14
th, 2015 at 12:56pm:
Why do you make excuses for killers?
I blame the terrorists - why can't you?
If your aim is to be annoying then you are succeeding.
I certainly don't aim to be annoying, however, I can fully understand why it may be the case for some of these apologists.
I would imagine it's not very nice for them, being exposed as low-life opportunists trying to shift the blame away from the individuals who actually carry out the attacks just so they can justify
their irrational prejudices.I make no apologies for exposing these apologists, and I certainly won't desist.
I blame the killers for the deaths in Paris, and I'm not about to deflect any of that blame away from them.
It's a pity others in this forum don't have the guts to do the same.
I condemn all terrorists, and all murderers. I don't waste my time creating excuses for them, like the apologists here do.
Irrational prejudice: over 100 people killed in the name Allah, Mohamed, and the Koran. But let's not quibble. What would you do to solve the Muzzlim Problem, or perhaps you don't believe one exists? Just a figment of my imagination?