greggerypeccary wrote on Nov 15
th, 2015 at 5:07pm:
cods wrote on Nov 15
th, 2015 at 5:00pm:
I find it disgraceful when anyone compares these place to CONCENTRATION CAMPS
I find it disgraceful when people like you support these concentration camps run by the Australian Government.
You really should be ashamed.
cods, you know i preach a bit of positive psychology.
one of the important things to making yourself more fulfilled is to only put good ingredients into your brain.
your brain is your mental factory.
do not let greg put ingredients in your brain.
keep the bad stuff out.
greg is trying to put bad ingredients in there.
he is proabably a very unhappy individual and he is trying to put bad stuff in there.
humans are like a sponge.
your brain is a mental factory
you cant make a nice cake if someone puts concrete in the recipe.
dont let gregs thoughts in
your happiness, your outcome, the stuff your brain produces will all be better off if you keep the bad ingredients out