Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 15
th, 2015 at 4:43pm:
but what the hell are WE doing to people? Sri Lankan refugees had their boat boarded in the open sea—piracy—and eventually the refugees were handed over the tender mercies of the Sri Lankan police etc.
We have thousands of people in concentration camps for indefinite period, subject to sexual abuse, pedophilia and murder. We are not lilywhite!
Whoaaaa... ! Hold it right THERE, Bucko!
Those people in detention centres are at liberty to return to their own countries at any time.
And the huge surge of Middle Eastern young men trekking through Europe right now tells the lie that they are genuine refugees.
If those 'refugees' coursing through Europe right now were genuine - they would have their parents, wives, and children with them. But instead, their womenfolk are safe at home while their husbands are on this fishing trip looking for a 21st country to take them in - after which they'll be calling their wives to join them.
The whole thing is a hoax and a fraud.
I couldnt get over how well dressed they were ...