Phemanderac wrote on Nov 15
th, 2015 at 6:23am:
aquascoot wrote on Nov 15
th, 2015 at 6:10am:
greg certainly doesnt, maybe he was struck by lightning, his mum was a boozer or his flatmate is pouring mercury into his coffee
Now now, you're just getting emotional, that will limit your success.
This is true.
one could also say that to wear an explosive vest is the worst form of one of the more common sins of personal development
Self Sabotage.
Though some may say importing many muslims is a form of self sabotage by france.
Let us look at this whole picture from a personal development mind frame.
If you are in a place of hopelessness then often you will be unlikely to make good decisions.
Most peoples lives are either getting slightly better all the time or slightly worse. It is rare to stand still.
Now if you are fairly hopeless in australia , you might do drugs or too much alcohol. You are unlikely to take my advice and read "The 7 habits of highly effective people".
Similarly, if you are a 17 yo muslim scrub and things are pretty hopeless and you get offered this excitement and get some positive emotions from your new found friends....
Why wouldnt you do it.
Its all very well to ask why scrubs in OZ take ice, but its probably a similar dynamic to why scrubs in paris explode themselves.
How to deal with this?
As a rightard i like the 2 pronged approach.
As i have said before, anything good you create "will be attacked", on planet earth , i just call this "reality",
Unless you...
Defend it.
so , if i have a beautiful field of lucerne hay, weeds will try to grow in it (as weeds are trying to grow in france) and you have to get out there with your round-up and kill every last one you can find. This is phase 1.
But you cant kill them all, its time consuming and more will keep coming til eternity.
So phase 2....
You must try to make the field less likely to grow weeds.
This again is where the good old fashioned rightard values of personal development come in.
You get the muslim kiddies and you dont allow this negative neurotic thinking to be put into their skulls by evil muftis (much as i try to limit negative neurotic thinking of the education system affecting my kin).
You say to hopelessness...f*ck off.
You teach the muslim kiddies good nutrition
you put them in the gym and teach positive health values.
you mentor them with great positive role models.
you show them how great free enterprise is,
How all the great music and entertainment, all the great positive stuff comes out of the USA, you completely turn them off this "hopeless negative chode scrub loser victim mentality" that their muslim clerics wish to preach.
So as a rightie , we kill the weeds we can find(pluck them out and chuck them off our land) and we make the soil fertile to grow the wonderful positive self actualised youth of tomorrow (by applying the fertiliser of positive personal development).
The leftards dont seem to have a plan .
They seem to think shining red, white and blue lights on the opera house or the white house will make those pesky weeds leave your beuatiful field.
But the wise farmer knows that activity and discipline is needed to produce a result