Phemanderac wrote on Nov 18
th, 2015 at 5:34am:
Well, if we consider our national road toll each year, based on the general tone of this discussion, EVERY driver in the country should have their licenses revoked immediately.
After all, the risk is massive, it is clearly unmanageable and we have no effective way of testing for which drivers are fatal accidents waiting to find victims.
We work very hard to reduce the risk on the roads.
We would work very hard to reduce many risks.
If we were to say that only 1 in 10,000 congolese had been exposed to ebola and we had visa applications from the congo, i dare say we would close the border to congolese due to unacceptable risk to the australian population.
And that would be closing the border to innocent people who really had done nothing wrong.
If it is true that we have 100 home grown fighters and several hundred sending money from australai, then it appears more then 1 in 10,000 would be the risk of importing some very nasty individuals.
I'm not saying to close our borders but there is a risk and to say there is no risk is just naive