John Smith wrote on Nov 19
th, 2015 at 1:03pm:
Karnal wrote on Nov 19
th, 2015 at 12:54pm:
John Smith wrote on Nov 19
th, 2015 at 12:48pm:
Karnal wrote on Nov 19
th, 2015 at 12:40pm:
So Brough admitted he asked Ashby to make copies of Slipper's diary.
yep ... live and on national television ... there is no question he is guilty. Now Turncoat needs to do the right thing and sack him.
Is that actually a crime?
conspiracy to commit a crime? Incitement? He conspired with Asby to steal Slipper diary didn't he?
I would have thought the Speaker's diary is a public document anyway. As for conspiracy or incitement, it's a bit wimpy, don't you think?
These sort of things are leaked daily. We've got enough evidence to say that Ashby was Brough's mole in the Speaker's office, but there's not much evidence on any real criminal activity.
The only way this will become a half decent political scandal is if something seriously illegal is found. Most of this is old news. At any other time - Rudd, Gillard, Abbott - this story would be far more newsworthy. Turnbull, however, has managed to get sport and terrorism back on the front page again. People are over the last few years of political intrigue. The PM is no longer enemy number one - yet.
Brough is going to need something quite nasty pinned on him to stand down. This is no Choppergate. The government's doing well in the polls.
It's not as much fun as having the grown-ups back in charge, is it?