Yadda wrote on Nov 23
rd, 2015 at 7:08pm:
Mr Turnbull, et al, you cannot defeat ideas with bombs [.....in a foreign land].
And we can't defeat ISIS, in Syria, nor Iraq.
Mr Turnbull if we are going to defeat ISIS/ISLAM, .....we must defeat ISIS/ISLAM in Australia.
We have to confront the ISIS cadres, where they exist.
Especially when they exist among us.
What i mean by those words, is this;
If moslems want ISLAM,
....then let moslems have ISLAM, .....and let them have ISLAM, in Syria, and in Iraq, and in Egypt, and in Iran,
.....and let moslems have ISLAM, in every [already] majority moslem country on this planet. !!!!!
And let moslems have too, what ISLAM
invariably brings to every society of men. !!!!!
Because ISLAM produces, ....only [political] corruption, [political] oppression, injustice, human poverty, and,
dead bodies. [Paris, 2015, Nov ????]
The truth is that
ISLAM is an evil philosophy, which, imo,
'creates' a mental pathology [a 'sickness'] in the psyche of those human beings who choose to embrace it.
And, .....ISLAM is spread by moslems.BUT, Mr Turnbull, et al, ......we who are not moslems, ....
should not allow moslems to live among us.
Why so ?
Because, imo, ISLAM is a 'poison' to the human psyche.
Because ISLAM causes a serious pathology in the human psyche, imo.
Why so ?
Because in examining the tenets of ISLAMIC 'culture', it easy to see [for some of us], ....that
ISLAM is a great and dangerous spiritual evil, in the world.
BUT, Mr Turnbull, et al, [our political leaders] .....are you willing to choose 'the good', ......are you willing to
discriminate, in favour of the protection of the innocent [and in favour of those with more virtue, than 'the moslem'] ?
discrimination = =
1 the action of discriminating against people.
2 recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another. good judgement or taste.AND;
discriminating = = having or showing good taste or judgement.I say again,
Not here, in Australia!
Yadda said....
http://www.ozpolitic.com/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1352933495/51#51 Quote:
....a moslem, is a moslem, because he subscribes to the philosophy called ISLAM.
ISLAM mandates never-ending warfare against those who are not moslems.
That is what ISLAM is.
ISLAM is a philosophy which inculcates a desire to perpetrate murder, and terrorism, into men's brains.
ISLAM is a disease which infects the human psyche.
ISLAM is a cancer.
Its cadres enter new nations, and establish themselves, spreading their 'values' within the host culture.
A cancer does not kill its host in one day.
Cancer slowly grows, within the host, destroying the hosts ability to throw off dis-ease.
Then one day, the cancer overwhelms the weakened body.
And the body dies.
And what is left ?
Taliban, Afghanistan.
A Saudi Arabia [....without oil revenues.]
A Turkey, without a secular society.
An Egypt, with an 'Arab spring'.
And on, and on.