Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Nov 18
th, 2015 at 9:32am:
The reason steel making "went offshore" (no it didn't) was that China invested massively in tertiary industry, and with a far cheaper workforce to exploit, was able to create billionaires out of the ruling clique, while generating for itself a facsimile of progress and the reality of escalating social problems, same as the West.
Steel making never 'went offshore' - it's still here - but the Chinese have glutted the market with no appreciable decline in price TO THE END USER, and with no protections such as cheaper cost to the middle man (a de facto tariff barrier in THEIR favour), local industry cannot compete.
People here and elsewhere need to start thinking about what actually constitutes a Tariff Barrier and/or a Tariff Gap, and act accordingly.
If I can sell Aquascoot horse manure cheaper than Kat can, because I use local orphan kids to muck out the stables etc and pay them a pittance, while Kat employs local men and women at full rate - that is a Tariff Gap in my favour. It is also theft on my part.... and I would be prosecuted.
Why do we allow this at an international level?
Thats the old catch 22 grapples.
after the factory fire in bangladesh, well meaning lefties ran a facebook campaign to make guess jeans shut the factory and stop exploiting lowly paid workers.
This guess duly did, as they werent going to go against western social media.
a follow up showed the workers had now gone from low standard or living to abject poverty and were begging for guess to come back.
People talk about 3rd world wages as exploitation, but that is not how the third world see them .
i knew the australian guy who built the pool for the chinese olympics.
he had his workers in a compound surrounded by fences....not because they were slave labour, but because other workers were trying to get IN to get in on these fantastic wages ($3 an hour back then ).
and guess what, western business has been the absolute best thing to ever hit the thrid world.
western business has dragged more people out of poverty then the the UN could ever hope to.
Free enterprise is the way forward.
It isnt going to be easy for australia but it is now impossible to ask that our lives were made easier. It is only possible to ask that we were made better