John Smith wrote on Nov 19
th, 2015 at 9:39am:
aquascoot wrote on Nov 19
th, 2015 at 9:24am:
Its not enough to say "good for you" .
People should be rewarded for doing the right thing.
My dad left the railways with over a year of sick leave and got paid not one cent.
Clearly this is not incentivising the right behaviour.
i would make it a condition that workers be paid their full accrued sick leave when they leave work.
In fact, i would , perhaps, call for the number of sick days paid per annum to be reduced from 10 to 5 and for workers to not only be paid their unpaid sick leave, but with the savings made, they would be paid unclaimed sick leave at 150 %.
this then makes a real "good on you" into a tangible benefit.
We must always look at a desired behaviour and reward it.
This is not rocket science.
that doesn't encourage good behavior, it encourages bad behavior.
If you can feel a flu coming on, congestion of the sinus's, a tickle of the throat, but aren't really sick yet, you can stay home and nip it in the butt BEFORE it knocks you out completely, or you can push on, share the germs with all your colleagues until you are too sick to get out of bed, along with a high percentage of your colleagues leaving the business severely understaffed.
i call this the human beings mental capacity to rationalise laziness .
"i cant work because i am too depressed"
(maybe you are depressed because you arent getting the joy of working)
"i cant get a girlfriend because i dont feel confident enough to ask anyone out"
(maybe your lack of confidence is seen by women as you being weak and they dont want to go out with you).
humans are great at rationalising anything
The book of excuses is a very very big book.
You should read ekhardt Tolles "the power of now" . Its much shorter