John Smith wrote on Nov 20
th, 2015 at 5:54pm:
All you have to do is read your own posts to see just how rife it is Herb
maybe you should wait until your eye stops bleeding.
I was screwed by 'multicultural diversity' again today, John. Happens all the time.
I walked into one of these largish Medical Clinics and sat down in the waiting room where around a dozen people were sitting quietly awaiting their turn.
For the most part you could hear a pin drop. Lovely and relaxing. Some people reading magazines, some fiddling with their Smartphones, others just resting quietly, and some talking in library-quiet whispers.
And then the doors to the lift opened like Pandora's Box - and out stepped a couple of
bona fide 'ethnics' ... and for the next 45 minutes the peace was shattered for all concerned.
A constant, never-ending, backwards-and-forwards, no pauses-or-breaks, stream of verbal diarrhoea issued from both of them until ... (and you're not going to believe this) ... I was driven to reach into my shirt pocket and bring out a 32RRP set of earplugs to save my sanity. I
always carry a spare set around with me whenever I leave home.
There are certain immigrant ethnicities that 'run off the mouth' compulsively, obsessively, and seemingly in an excited tone of great urgency.
You're safe this time, John - they weren't Italians.
I can understands how two people talking to each other can be scary to you Herb, but you should try it sometime.