Opposition Leader Bill Shorten said it was important everyone had a say but raised concerns about bringing religion into politics.
The left/Labour/Greens will be miffed, ...by the emergence of this Australian Muslim Party.
Because the left/Labour/Greens assumed that it was THEY, .....who had the moslem vote in Australia, all sewn up.
They probably thought that the moslem community would always be their social and political ally, in the Australian political scene. ???
But that, was never ever, a true reflection, of the real agenda of members of the moslem community in Australia, who previously have had a loose alliance with, and have voted for left/Labour/Green parties.
The poor left/Labour/Greens, ....so naive, so easily deceived.
The poor left/Labour/Greens, .....so busy swimming in the machinations of their own policies of deceit and lies, ....and now they suddenly find themselves, 'out of their depth', in trying to curry favour, among Australian moslem voters.
Face the truth.
In reality, members of the moslem community have absolutely no affinity with your [left/Labour/Greens] 'leftist' agendas.
Face the truth, left/Labour/Greens, ....to the moslem,
you are all filthy, stinking, morally corrupt infidels.
You are all simply 'useful idiots', to be used, and then discarded, ....now that members of the moslem community have acquired the confidence to pursue their own political agenda in Australia.
It will be interesting to see just how 'ISLAMIC' leaning, the policies of the Australian Muslim Party will
dare to be - in the present political climate towards ISLAM and ISLAMISTS, and the demands of moslems, generally.