Make of it what you will....
My beef is with the WAY government here went about removing firearms from the community, which was by installing a regimen under which anyone accused, with a zero standard of proof, of any form of the very attenuated 'violence' included under the 'domestic violence' umbrella, would, BY REGULATION AND NOT BY LAW, have any legally owned firearm confiscated without compensation.
That is and always has been the reality, and I will remind you all again that the Australian people REJECTED gun control at the election prior to the introduction of 'uniform domestic violence laws' under the reign of Paul Keating.
The installation, therefore, of an end run around democratic will of the people, by the installation of these (non) laws requiring zero evidence other than a 'feeling' by 'the complainant' - was a violent abrogation of the rule of democracy in this country, and a usurpation by government of the right of the people to determine for themselves their best path.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is a civil war declared by governments here against their own people.
On a personal note, I owned legal firearms, and gave them away, and had the option, at the time of the oppression of firearms here, to purchase semi-automatic hand guns and long arms - but chose not to do so.
In view of the absolute arrogance of government since that time, I regret the decision to not buy weapons for self-defence.