philperth2010 wrote on Nov 19
th, 2015 at 12:36am:
Who votes for dickheads like David Leyonhjelm???
[quote]Senator David Leyonhjelm has labelled Australia "a nation of victims" and discouraged the United States from following Australia's example on gun control.
"We are a nation of victims," he said.
"You cannot own a gun for self defence ... the criminals still have guns. There's a very vigorous black market for guns,
The fact we do not have automatic weapons freely available in Australia means we have less victims than the United States....If Leyonhjelm thinks massacres like the one in Port Arthur are an acceptable consequence so people can own automatic weapons he is an idiot....
We are a nation of victims, we cannot own guns/knives/pepper sprays/mace or even tasars for self defence.
When seconds count the Police are 10-15 minutes away
The lefties say we should not judge all muslims by the terrorists who shoot innocent strangers yet they judge all firearm owners by the madman who did Pt Arthur, Bryant never held a firearm licence yet that doesn't stop hoplophobic bigots from using fear from Pt Arthur to demonise all law abiding firearm owners.
Automatic weapons have never been freely available in Australia that doesn't stop the hoplophobic idiots from telling lies.
Criminals still have access to automatic weapons, this Thompson machine gun has never been available in Australia and they have been registered in the USA since the days of al Capone, where did this one come from it could not have been stolen from a liensed firearm owners in Australia.
Quote: Any of the gun grabbing hoplophobes want to comment on how this illegal full auto machine gun came to be in Australia?