Marla wrote on Nov 20
th, 2015 at 11:06am:
Tony Robbins is the true infidel.
not having a go at you marla but this is my honest take on socialists (particularly the type who hang around with Get up and the socialist alliance).
when people come to my farm, some will hop on a horse, some are too timid.
if you hop on a horse and decide you want to become a successful rider, you are going to have some painful "fails". i can gaurantee this.
you will get hurt, your resilience will be tested, your ability to push thru will be tested.
But, most people will say its worth it.
You miss out on a lot by staying on the sidelines and being a spectator of life (i call this the timid approach to life).
if you want to become a capitalist, you have to give up that timid approach, if you want to start a business or risk your capital then you will fail, you will get hurt, you will have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, look within for inner strength and forge ahead.
i can see the attraction of the get-up set and the knockers and the marxists as they are just spectators on the economy.
I urge them to become "movers and shakers"
life is over in an instant and why make a conscious decision to aim for medicrity.
Listen to Tony Robbins, he's a lot smarter then the dude with the microphone leading the socialist rally. that guy is just the pied piper leading all the little mice away to misery