Phemanderac wrote on Nov 20
th, 2015 at 12:44pm:
No sport teaches one to be present, otherwise ALL participants in said sport would be more mindful...
Some manage to bring a degree of mindfulness with them though.
Mindfulness can be both an innate skill and a learned skill... Learning is much harder though.
if you are climbing a very treachorous mountain, your mind will initially be in a state of "dont do it, you might fall"...what is called negative neurotic thinking....but once you start, the mind will (usually) flip to "he's doing it, focus, total concentration and with this comes enjoyment"
the same might be true of down hill skiing.
too easy and youre bored
too hard and you take off your skis and walk down
but just the right challenge ( a bit harder than you usually do) and you will get into a "flow state".
a flow state is a state of mindfulness.
if i'm just riding along with no intensity, i wont be in flow
if the horse starts bucking and i am frightened i wont be in flow
but if you try to do a challenging course (barrels or whatever ) or a dressage test, you will need to be in flow to get the best out of yourself.
and flow state is perfect mindfulness, an hour passes and it feels like a minute.