What about people who put away $500K in voluntary super but have no other super - no super guarantee or employer super ?
Correct. Or those who only have their home as their only asset.
The comparison could be that a high level employee may have $700K of employee superannuation plus have paid in $500K of voluntary super and have that $500K subject to this $500K cap.
And I would say this would be a small number.
A self employed person may have zero employer paid super and $500K of voluntary super also capped at this level.
But a self employed person has taken more risk compared to a PAYE so why should they be penalised for taking the risk?
IMO this method of capping superannuation seems to be flawed.
Bandt's is trying to cast a wide net over a problem that's specific to a targeted few
I think that a cap on over all superannuation is not a bad idea but I would be thinking of it being set at a min of about $1.5 to $2M.
Good idea. However there's an existing total small business CGT and CGT cap of $2M