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Bandt more stupidity on Super (Read 3587 times)
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14% - that low?!

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Re: Bandt more stupidity on Super
Reply #45 - Nov 23rd, 2015 at 12:07pm
Kytro wrote on Nov 23rd, 2015 at 11:57am:
Since the idea is to address the system in place, I'm sure more than one thing can be adjusted.

The amount of tax paid varies.

The system should be designed so that it minimises cost to the taxpayer where possible. This means providing tax incentives now for super, but only so far as it reduces reliance on the pension.

Let me explain that link based on someone earning $1M - they pay about $430K in tax

Annually you can make 2 types of contributions
(1) $30K to $35K in Concessional contribution (made from before tax dollars)
(2) $180K in Non-concessional contribution (made from after tax dollars)
(2a) You can bring forward 3 years of the Non-concessional

Their Super Guarantee stops when their income hits $203K i.e. beyond this point the employer do not have to pay SG. Google it - its called maximum superannuation contribution base

This means about $20K goes into your Super as Concessional contributions. This means they can only put in an additional $10K or $15K depending on your age

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Bill 14% is not the alcohol content of that wine. It's your poll number
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Re: Bandt more stupidity on Super
Reply #46 - Nov 23rd, 2015 at 12:35pm
Kytro wrote on Nov 23rd, 2015 at 11:57am:
Dnarever wrote on Nov 23rd, 2015 at 11:21am:
Maqqa wrote on Nov 23rd, 2015 at 10:47am:
sir prince duke alevine wrote on Nov 23rd, 2015 at 10:03am:
Kytro wrote on Nov 23rd, 2015 at 10:01am:
Maqqa wrote on Nov 23rd, 2015 at 9:11am:
Kytro wrote on Nov 23rd, 2015 at 9:01am:
What does that have to do with how much untaxed super you can have?

The Age Pension is calculated based on the Assets you have over and above your home.

If Bandt put a limit on the Super mean people are forced to sell down your house to get more income

If you sell your home - the proceeds are counted towards the Asset Test within 12 months

If you sell down to increase your income - you are hit with the Assets Test

The limit is not on how much super you can have, but on much super you can have tax-free.

Droopy will get there eventually

So which portion does Bandt want as tax free that is not at the moment ??

The limit is not on how much super you can have, but on much super you can have tax-free.

At the moment if you have superannuation savings over the limit you have the option of taking it out of super or being fined at a 49% tax rate.

You would be really stupid to save superannuation over the upper limit.

Since the idea is to address the system in place, I'm sure more than one thing can be adjusted.

The amount of tax paid varies.

The system should be designed so that it minimises cost to the taxpayer where possible. This means providing tax incentives now for super, but only so far as it reduces reliance on the pension.

They keep money which is not advantaged as Superannuation out of super accounts because it becomes almost impossible to know how the funds should be treated. The fact is that if there is no tax advantage to you it is just savings and better off in a straight investment account.
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Re: Bandt more stupidity on Super
Reply #47 - Nov 23rd, 2015 at 12:37pm
The policy is not without merits.  I think a few posters previously have misunderstood the policy.

I believe 'voluntary contribution' means, that its contribution made from after tax income, or in other cases after employer agreed salary package arrangement where the employer pays the fringe benefits tax.

If you are self employed, then as a small business, you can still (abit voluntarily) pay yourself a 9.5% of total net profit (e.g. your personal income), that will only be taxed as 15%, and plus deduct the amount as an expense.  If you have a larger business, or a company, the company can pay you - the director that 9.5%. 

I think the Greens want to limit the amount of 'voluntary contribution' that people can put into their super account, where it can generate tax free profits.   Whereas, if you put the same money into shares or bank interest, the profits are taxed.   

The greens argue that those who are able to contribute to their super - aftertax - to the tune of 500k, are wealthier people.  Note, in contrary to what others believe, this policy does not specifically targets those who pump their income into super in the final years prior to retiring unless of course their post tax disposable income is very significant. 
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14% - that low?!

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Re: Bandt more stupidity on Super
Reply #48 - Nov 23rd, 2015 at 4:11pm
tickleandrose wrote on Nov 23rd, 2015 at 12:37pm:
The greens argue that those who are able to contribute to their super - aftertax - to the tune of 500k, are wealthier people.  Note, in contrary to what others believe, this policy does not specifically targets those who pump their income into super in the final years prior to retiring unless of course their post tax disposable income is very significant. 

As in other posts - you will see the average home in Sydney is $1M.

If the person/couple sold this $1M home - less cost - they will have $900K. They then are able to make $500K to Super

This is where the Greens have totally misunderstood the problem

If they want to get it right - they need to Asset Test for this limit.

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Bill 14% is not the alcohol content of that wine. It's your poll number
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Re: Bandt more stupidity on Super
Reply #49 - Nov 23rd, 2015 at 4:42pm
I think a good possible approach would be to design super to replace the pension for people who work most of their lives.

By 2023, the retirement age is set to be 67.

Assuming about 20 more years @ 642 a fortnight, it's about 340K.

So basically providing (tax-free) support for much more is basically a losing proposition at least from a welfare standpoint.

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Re: Bandt more stupidity on Super
Reply #50 - Nov 24th, 2015 at 8:15am
Maqqa wrote on Nov 23rd, 2015 at 4:11pm:
tickleandrose wrote on Nov 23rd, 2015 at 12:37pm:
The greens argue that those who are able to contribute to their super - aftertax - to the tune of 500k, are wealthier people.  Note, in contrary to what others believe, this policy does not specifically targets those who pump their income into super in the final years prior to retiring unless of course their post tax disposable income is very significant. 

As in other posts - you will see the average home in Sydney is $1M.

If the person/couple sold this $1M home - less cost - they will have $900K. They then are able to make $500K to Super

This is where the Greens have totally misunderstood the problem

If they want to get it right - they need to Asset Test for this limit.

I think its a proposal to get the debate going.   
I do not think, your example is what the debate is about.  Let me remind you that the family home is already capital gains tax free.   So thats already the first advantage there. 
The question here is that if the elderly couple wants to invest this money, should that then be tax free investment - as per the current super rules. 
The green's augment is that: well, they still can, but the tune of max 500k.  Anything on top of that, they would have to invest the money themselves, and pay tax if they get any additional profit.
I think this is a very valid argument given the budget situation currently.
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Re: Bandt more stupidity on Super
Reply #51 - Nov 24th, 2015 at 9:38am
tickleandrose wrote on Nov 24th, 2015 at 8:15am:
The question here is that if the elderly couple wants to invest this money, should that then be tax free investment - as per the current super rules. 

That should be contribution tax free, any income from the investment would be taxed.
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Re: Bandt more stupidity on Super
Reply #52 - Nov 24th, 2015 at 9:47am
lee wrote on Nov 24th, 2015 at 9:38am:
tickleandrose wrote on Nov 24th, 2015 at 8:15am:
The question here is that if the elderly couple wants to invest this money, should that then be tax free investment - as per the current super rules. 

That should be contribution tax free, any income from the investment would be taxed.

Please note: "voluntary contributions', e.g. contributions after tax, is already contribution tax free.  What we are talking about is should the profit from these investment be tax free, as it is the case right now.
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14% - that low?!

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Re: Bandt more stupidity on Super
Reply #53 - Nov 24th, 2015 at 9:52am
tickleandrose wrote on Nov 24th, 2015 at 9:47am:
lee wrote on Nov 24th, 2015 at 9:38am:
tickleandrose wrote on Nov 24th, 2015 at 8:15am:
The question here is that if the elderly couple wants to invest this money, should that then be tax free investment - as per the current super rules. 

That should be contribution tax free, any income from the investment would be taxed.

Please note: "voluntary contributions', e.g. contributions after tax, is already contribution tax free.  What we are talking about is should the profit from these investment be tax free, as it is the case right now. 


The impact on the Budget won't be felt until this generation of supernatants dies

Given the expectant life is 85 - a typical 65 years old has another 20 years

Through Beneficiary Nominations - you can extend this benefit to the next generation when this generation dies

So the figures from Bandt are wrong
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Bill 14% is not the alcohol content of that wine. It's your poll number
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Re: Bandt more stupidity on Super
Reply #54 - Nov 24th, 2015 at 11:37am
tickleandrose wrote on Nov 24th, 2015 at 9:47am:
What we are talking about is should the profit from these investment be tax free, as it is the case right now.

Really? Can I have a link for that please. Preferably from ATO.
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Re: Bandt more stupidity on Super
Reply #55 - Nov 24th, 2015 at 1:20pm

So, if you are over 60s, the income stream and lump sum from super is consider as tax free. 

This is why alot of will be retirees are putting lump suns (after tax) into their super.  Normally if these are put in to other investments, then the earnings would be taxed at their marginal income rate (year on year).  However, if you are over 60, then both lump sum and income stream are tax free.    Although, there is a limit of around 180k a year for such contributions.
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Re: Bandt more stupidity on Super
Reply #56 - Nov 24th, 2015 at 2:24pm
tickleandrose wrote on Nov 24th, 2015 at 1:20pm:
So, if you are over 60s, the income stream and lump sum from super is consider as tax free. 

The "income stream" is what you withdraw from super. You are taking the benefits. If you pay the money into super without accessing benefits, that is still in the "accumulation stage", and is taxed.
As the link posted shows - super benefits.
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Re: Bandt more stupidity on Super
Reply #57 - Dec 1st, 2015 at 11:24am
Maqqa wrote on Nov 23rd, 2015 at 9:11am:
Kytro wrote on Nov 23rd, 2015 at 9:01am:
What does that have to do with how much untaxed super you can have?

The Age Pension is calculated based on the Assets you have over and above your home.

If Bandt put a limit on the Super mean people are forced to sell down your house to get more income

If you sell your home - the proceeds are counted towards the Asset Test within 12 months

If you sell down to increase your income - you are hit with the Assets Test

The simple solution: scrapping the means-test of the age pension and scrapping all tax concessions for super, no one wants to look at, including Grattan Institute, because the top brass are benefitting most from the tax concessions.
There was hardly anything mentioned in 2007 when Howard introduced the tax-free super, as far as I know, no other country provides its rich citizens with such a huge legal tax-dodge.
Bruce Brammall  described it in his book "Debt Man Walking" on page 220
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Re: Bandt more stupidity on Super
Reply #58 - Dec 1st, 2015 at 11:33am
Maqqa wrote on Nov 23rd, 2015 at 8:56am:
If you believe there are inequality then report it

That isn't how the gender pay gap works. When looking at overall trends and qualifications and experience, women due to sexism in society and the workplace, face many more hurdles than men in achieving decent pay rates and well paid positions. A female with the same qualifications and experience as a male, will generally only earn 70-80% of what the male earns over a career.

A company wouldn't just pay a female who does the same work as a male less, but a lesser dudebro "alpha" male employee generally will have a much easier way of working up than your average woman, companies at higher levels are generally always boyclubs and women who do get in generally have to internalize that misogyny or they get kicked out (which is why you get so many corporate women saying poo like "boys will be boys!", "just learn to play by their rules!"). I've been in organizations were women were hired simply based on the fact the male managerial staff wanted to have something to manipulate and bugger. I've seen in huge organizations at the executive level literal coke and hooker parties (idiots don't know Wall Street was satire and try to copy it), how many females will be happy with that?

There is also the issue that female dominated fields, even specialty skilled fields, generally pay less than male fields, even if that male field is far less specialized or skilled.

To put it at the most simplest analogy: if a company is a 30 story building and hierarchy is based on floors, generally a woman will never be able to get pass floor 20 no matter if she's a super genius and the entire company relies on her.
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« Last Edit: Dec 1st, 2015 at 11:43am by Kiron22 »  
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14% - that low?!

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Re: Bandt more stupidity on Super
Reply #59 - Dec 1st, 2015 at 12:00pm
Your assertions about looking for trends is obsolete. Why?

Because trends/stats are used to back theories.

We know that there are inequalities - that's why laws have been passed to stop these inequalities

Implementation is immediate. But the effect takes time. So lets present stats and trends that are post implementation.

It's interesting you quote "a female with the same qualification and experience will earn 70-80% less"

The fallacy are as follows
(1) There are probably heaps of males who went for the same job who may or may not be more qualified and experienced
(2) Experience is subjective
(3) Qualification mix is different
(4) Experience mix is important
(5) Personality
(6) It's not what you know - it's who you know

Companies don't give out information why they hired or not hired someone

So if we use the "qualification and experience" as a criteria it's such a shallow vetting process of candidates.

Qualification and experience gets you through the door. After that it's up to you to sell yourself
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Bill 14% is not the alcohol content of that wine. It's your poll number
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