Maqqa wrote on Nov 23
rd, 2015 at 8:56am:
If you believe there are inequality then report it
That isn't how the gender pay gap works. When looking at overall trends and qualifications and experience, women due to sexism in society and the workplace, face many more hurdles than men in achieving decent pay rates and well paid positions. A female with the same qualifications and experience as a male, will generally only earn 70-80% of what the male earns over a career.
A company wouldn't just pay a female who does the same work as a male less, but a lesser dudebro "alpha" male employee generally will have a much easier way of working up than your average woman, companies at higher levels are generally always boyclubs and women who do get in generally have to internalize that misogyny or they get kicked out (which is why you get so many corporate women saying poo like "boys will be boys!", "just learn to play by their rules!"). I've been in organizations were women were hired simply based on the fact the male managerial staff wanted to have something to manipulate and bugger. I've seen in huge organizations at the executive level literal coke and hooker parties (idiots don't know Wall Street was satire and try to copy it), how many females will be happy with that?
There is also the issue that female dominated fields, even specialty skilled fields, generally pay less than male fields, even if that male field is far less specialized or skilled.
To put it at the most simplest analogy: if a company is a 30 story building and hierarchy is based on floors, generally a woman will never be able to get pass floor 20 no matter if she's a super genius and the entire company relies on her.