Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Nov 26
th, 2015 at 9:16am:
So it's OK to hit a woman if she repeatedly hits your triggers?
Your response is EXACTLY the reason that the mainstream media cannot have a discussion on a complex issue and MUST present everything in black and white terms
Because some chode is going to hit a woman and then say
"ugh ugh, Tracey grimshaw told me that women are pushing my hot buttons, ugh ugh, grunt grunt."
the message has to be black and white for the average dumbie out there.
Nuanced points cant be discussed because so many people cannot hold a paradoxical point of view, they dont want to think, they live in Durrrrrrrr mode.
and for the girl who gets hit after pushing a hot button.
its not her fault at all but she STILL GOT HIT