How many insane righties?

at my local pub, i would almost be looked upon as a communist leftard apologist. the locals live in a thought bubble echo chamber that is straight out of "one nation".
when my daughters friends from uni come over (several of whom are in young labor), i bear witness to boys and girls (around 20 to 22) who are emotionally unstable. they vary from crying tears about assylum seekers they have never met to crying tears about transgenders they have never met (but who they think get a hard time) to getting all Raah Raah about the next "get-up" rally.
i personally think that echo chambers are bad for anyone.
they lead to a forced feedback loop and increasing polarisation and loss of rapport.
the greenie hating farmers thru to the church hating lefties.
intelligent people are 2 things
1 economically conservative (close to the swag position)
2 socially liberal (couldnt care about issues like gay marriage or abortion).
they are socially liberal because they are too busy taking advantage of their economic conservatism.
the lefties who live in australia in 2015 and arent doing well ,
who think times are tough
who think the average joe is being ripped off by the system are close to insane.
to not recognise all the gifts of free enterprise, to not recognise all the opportunities of free eneterprise. to miss out on it all , due to some warped belief system that the "Man" is keeping them ground down.
I'm telling you, thats just insane